Pip Pip Cheerio

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Peter flopped down on the couch at the compound after school. He had had a rough day, and he was now overall in a pretty bad mood. Flash had been a nuisance all day, and even going so much as to embarrass him in lunch by making him trip as he dropped his tray causing food to go all over and milk to get all on his clothes, and even after that Peter was lectured by the janitor and made to clean it up, after lunch had ended which made him late to his next class where he was stressed and not only didn't finish the test that they were doing but he also didn't pass it.

Quite frankly it was English but the test just felt like a jumble of nonsense to him and he wasn't allowed any extra time by the teacher which absolutely sucked.

After all that on his walk home, he tripped on a piece of raised up concrete on the sidewalk which he didn't see in time which sent him falling onto his face in front of onlookers which he had to try and play it off.

Now he was just exhausted and stressed beyond all and wanted nothing more than for something to just go his way for once.

He lied there on his face on the couch for a while before his stomach started to hurt and grumble so he lazily got up and shuffled his way to the kitchen where he pulled out a plate. He remembered the dinner that they had had the night before, Bucky had made these really good twice baked potatoes and chicken and he remembered seeing him packing up the leftovers, and all day he had been thinking about it.

He doesn't know why he loved that one so much, May had made him twice baked potatoes and chicken all the time, but, no offense to May, these ones were just a whole lot better, and with his intensive hunger and just the thought of how good dinner was, he was beyond excited to just indulge on some really good food after a long day.

As he got more and more excited he opened the fridge and looked inside. Initially he didn't see them, so he tried to remember what container they were packaged in, but when he couldn't remember he just continued his search.

He searched and searched until he began to feel more upset, he ran to the sink and found the container of potatoes and chicken, empty. Peter huffed and sat down at the island seats. He placed his head in his hands. He was still hungry but he really didn't have an appetite for anything but the chicken and potatoes, and that really upset him.

Peter took a longing glance at the plate he had brought out and sighed as he stood up, pushing in his chair as he grabbed the plate, opening up the cupboard as he placed it back in its respectful spot. He paced around a moment feeling a headache come on as well. Great, exactly what I need right now, can't anything go my way? Peter thought as he looked up to the sky.

He sighed as he scrapped his feet along the floor, huffing his way over to the medicine cabinet. He remember Bruce had made him some special painkillers for his headaches, this happened after he got such a bad headache he almost accidentally overdosed on ibuprofen.

He opened the cabinet and reached up to the exact spot where his medicine was kept and he grabbed the bottle. He opened the bottle and shook it down to the palm of his hand. He felt really disappointed however when nothing came out.

He took the bottle and looked inside of it, and of course, it was completely empty. Peter let out an irritated groan as he chucked the bottle into the trash can. He then remembered that he always kept an emergency stash in his backpack in case he ever got a headache there, or just if Flash had annoyed him to the point of no return.

He walked over to his backpack which sat beside the couch and he opened it up. He searched around the first pocket, then the second, then the side pocket and he grew all the more irritated as he found that the little baggie which held his painkillers wasn't there. Shit! Damnit I forgot I put them in my locker last Tuesday. Peter tossed his backpack aside and leaned his head against the arm of the couch.

None of this stress was sitting well with him. He got up from where he was resting after a minute or two and groggily made his way back to the kitchen. Just then he heard the elevator door open up with a ding.

Peter turned and saw Mr. Stark, Steve and Natasha all come out, they were laughing and talking as they came over which only hurt Peter's head more. Peter just got up from his seat and went to go retrieve a cup from the cupboard.

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" Mr. Stark asked as he went and got himself a protein bar from the pantry.

"It was bloody horrible." Peter said as he went and started filling his glass from the fridge.

"Uh Peter?" Natasha asked with a slight smile on her face.

"Yes- oh for fucks sake!" Peter cursed out as the glass, freshly full, slipped from his hand, shattering onto the floor.

"Hey language son." Steve said sternly but with sympathy as he came over to see if Peter was alright, being barefoot and all. he just opted for picking him up and setting him on the counter where Peter sat lightly swinging his legs off the edge.

"Peter why are you talking in a British accent?" Mr. Stark asked with a slight sympathetic chuckle.

"What are you- Oh right, It happens sometimes when I get stressed and upset and my head just becomes a jumbled mess and forgets how it's supposed to talk." Peter said, British accent still all the more prevalent.

"I know I should feel bad and all, and don't get me wrong, I do, but that's just the funniest thing I have ever heard." Natasha said with a laugh. "Why does it seem so fitting for you?" She thought aloud.

"I don't know it happens a lot." Peter said as Steve and Mr. Stark worked on cleaning up all the glass and water on the floor.

"So I take it school wasn't the best then?" Mr. Stark asked from his spot on the floor.

"Yeah, no." Peter said with a sigh and light smile.

"Say, how about we make today better. Movies anyone?" Mr. Stark said as everyone began agreeing and already in the midst of discussing what to watch.


Hey guys! Long time no see. Today's chapter was a request from @BeckyAnderson3. I hope you enjoyed it! I really do apologize for being so late on this, things have been hectic on my end, but we are back in business, hopefully. I also apologize for it being short and slightly bad, I wasn't all that sure where to go with this but we made it. 

Finally moved and now we are settled in Michigan which, I have to say is awesome. Also I am now an employee at KFC and I even got my first paycheck today! Woo! I am saving up for a new laptop because mine sucks, although I did get it up and running so I can write.

Also we are almost at 100k and... I- I just love you all sOOOO FREAKING MUCH WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK????? You guys, each and every one of you, are amazing and I love you so much.

But regardless I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment, follow me, and add this book to your readings lists, and until next time, bye!


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