Lock Down Drill

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Peter was walking to school and he had a huge smile on his face, Aunt May had made him his favorite breakfast, it was a Friday, and he gets to stay the night at the compound this weekend so him and Mr. Stark can work on their suits together, and Peter even convinced Mr. Stark to come on patrol with him.

He walked into school with a little bounce in his step as he went to his locker. Ned came up behind him and plopped next to his locker.

"Hey dude what's up?" Ned asked as Peter turned and they did their handshake as a greeting.

"Hey, Right now, school, but after school I get to stay the weekend at Mr. Stark's." He said as he put away his backpack and grabbed his notebook and pencil.

"Oh nice, my parent's and I are going out to eat at this new restaurant that just opened up on twenty first street." Ned commented.

"Oh cool, I think I've heard about that place, I saw one dessert they had that looked really good." Peter added as he shut his locker. They began to walk to class, rambling on about anything and everything really.

They entered the classroom and took their usual seats, people filed into the room as the minutes went on and soon the bell rang. They waited almost two minutes before the teacher came into the room.

"Everyone, gather your things, we are headed to the auditorium, the councilors will be giving an assembly today. Peter and Ned both got their stuff and went along with the class, they all stopped by their lockers to drop their stuff off since they wouldn't be needing it, then they all went to the auditorium.

When they got there, they were only class there and the councilors must have not gotten there yet. They all took a seat near the front. They waited nearly five minutes, talking as they waited, but no one seemed to show up.

Peter was talking with Ned when he picked up a faint sound, without his enhanced hearing, he probably wouldn't have heard it. he listened before awkwardly tapping Ned.

"Did you hear that?" He asked just for confirmation.

"No, what was it?" Ned asked.

"It was like, a muffled pop, I guess, it was probably nothing though." Ned nodded and Peter's spider sense began nagging in the back of his head. Then the announcement bell rang through out the school.

"Students, we are going on lock down, this is only a drill." Everyone looked around confused. They were supposed to be getting an assembly, no other class had shown and all the sudden they were on a lockdown drill. Everyone quieted down as they didn't know what to do, or where to go as they were in the auditorium.

The teacher looked at his watch confused then grabbed his laptop to check his email if anyone had scheduled this as he shushed a few talking kids. Peter watched the teacher's face as confusion was all it showed. The room was silent and Peter was feeling on edge, he didn't know why but he guessed it was only the anxiety of dealing with bad situations as spider man.

peter looked at the doors as they were all shut and Ned placed a hand on his shoulder startling him as Ned tried to let him know it was ok. Peter heard snickering behind him as Flash came up behind him and loudly whispered "Peter!" in his ear.

Peter jumped as he turned around to Flash. "Really dude." Flash just laughed as he sat back down.

Peter could feel his senses going off in the back of his mind and he was getting nervous. He opened his phone and clicked on his contacts. He clicked Mr. Stark's name he opened up the call option and stared at his screen for a moment before his Spidey senses began to erupt.

Peter within an anxious moment quickly handed Ned his phone as the doors in the front and back of the auditorium burst open and three men from the back and three men from the front all rushed in pointing guns. He heard a few screams as he looked around at the scene gripping the sides of his seat.

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