Christmas Eve

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"Ned, Spider man can't rob a bank!" Peter said in exasperation as he paced around on the ceiling of Ned's room.

"But why not?" Ned whined flopping down onto his bed as he looked up at his friend.

"Because robbery is bad."

"But what's thirty seven dollars to them?"

"Robbery." Peter said flatly as he hopped back down onto the floor.

"But we're so close!" Ned said exaggerating so. For the past fifteen minutes they had been arguing over whether it was ok for Spider man to go out and steel thirty seven dollars from a bank so they could finally have the money for a two hundred and fifty dollar Lego set of the star destroyer.

"We can get the money in a lawful way that's actually legal." Peter said sitting down at Ned's desk propping his feet up on it.

"What if we just stole the set?" Ned said after a moment of silence.

"What? No, no, no, no, that's even worse!" Peter said exasperated.

"Fine, fine, we won't steal the set." Ned said as Peter knowingly gave him a glare crossing his arms. "Ok! And we won't steal the money either." Ned said mumbling in defeat.

"Thank you." Peter said pleased. Just then Peter's phone buzzed in his pocket. He checked and it was a message from happy.

Grumpy Bear: Hurry up I've been waiting outside for ten seconds now.

Spider Baby: Ok, I'm coming!

"Sorry dude I gotta go, Happy is here." Peter said standing up and grabbing his back pack as Ned got up from off the bed.

"Alright, it was fun hanging with you, you gotta tell me what you get for Christmas tomorrow, I bet Tony is going to over exert on presents being rich and all, you are so lucky dude." Ned said as Peter and him did their secret hand shake.

"Yeah, I really don't know what it's going to be like. But I'm still a little sad May's on a business trip though, she said she left my presents with Mr. Stark so I can't open them before Christmas. I really wish she could have been here, but we are going to get on a Skype call when she has some free time so I'm excited for that." Peter said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that dude, but hey at least you get to spend the time with your dad." He said with a smirk as Peter opened the door.

"He's not my dad! Why does everyone keep saying that? First MJ, now you." Peter says as Ned walks him to the front door.

"We both know it's true." Peter felt flustered and his face was getting hot, he did wish it was true, Mr. Stark would make a great dad.

"Well, it isn't." He laughed as he stepped out into the snow. "Bye Ned!" He waved as he jogged towards the slick black car parked on the side of the road.

"Bye! He waved back, shivering as he retreated into the warmth of his house. Peter jogged up entering the back seat of the car. his teeth chattering as he rubbed his arms.

"Hey Happy!" He greeting his voice full of enthusiasm.

"I have been waiting, for two minutes." He says eyeing him through the rear view mirror. Peter suddenly felt small and vulnerable under his glare. In an attempt to make things less awkward he let out a small nervous laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He said rubbing his neck. Happy just glared at him, his eyes sharpening as he slowly raised the divider between the two. Peter sighed relaxing as he buckled his seat belt. The car drove off as Peter stared out the window, the snow softly fluttering down.

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