Valentines Day

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"Peter calm down I promise you it's ok." Natasha said as she rubbed the back of the boy who was currently crying his eyes out over a big box of chocolates.

"No N-Nat you don't understand, S-She probably hates me!" He cried showing another chocolate into his mouth.

"Peter you and MJ are literally best friends why would she hate you? Plus I'm pretty sure that every time she's been over here for a sleepover with you and Ned, she always gives you these looks when your not watching, or is extra attentive when your name comes up in a conversation. She's in love with you I swear." Natasha said comfortingly as she rubbed soft circles on the boys back.

"Y-You think so, Peter sniffled as his wet eyes looked up at Nat's.

"Peter I know so, now if you don't clean up and get out of this car you might never be able to tell her." Nat said pointing out the window of their car that sat in the schools parking lot. Peter sat back up straight again as he wiped his face taking a few breathes.

"No, no you're right, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this, I-." Peter began enthusiastically as he looked down at the half eaten box of chocolates in his lap that he was supposed to give to MJ. Natasha's eyes followed his frowning gaze as she realized that in the midst of his breakdown, he just subconsciously just started eating.

"Uhh don't worry Peter, just say that Clint couldn't keep his hands off." Natasha said as Peter started breathing again, nodding to the idea. "Now go get 'em ребенок паук!" Natasha yelled out as Peter got out of the car.

Peter started jogging to the school just as the bell rang, but he turned around mid run. "Bye мама паук, I love you!" Peter yelled as Natasha smiled and waved.

Peter entered the school feeling like he was going to vomit because of how anxious he was. He decided he'd try and find her near her locker, but as he went along slowly feeling his nerves drop and a smile creeping onto his face. But soon it felt like it had been ripped out of his chest when he saw a certain curly headed someone's back facing him as she was making out with... Flash...

He didn't bother saying anything and he just walked away feeling like garbage as tears started to sting the back of his eyes again. He just went straight to the bathroom, opening up the handicap stall, locking it as he set his back pack on the floor, sitting on the toilet. He opened up the box and just started eating them again 'till the bell rang and there was only one chocolate left. He sighed getting up from the floor wiping his face.

When he left the bathroom he looked to the left and saw she was still there talking with Flash, Peter just turned the other way and went into his classroom which was just down the hall, but when he opened the door and looked in he was just confused.

He looked in and saw, MJ, then he looked back to his right and saw, girl who looked like MJ? Peter felt beyond relieved and when he stepped in and saw the teacher wasn't there but she was standing up talking to Ned, without a word he quickly walked right up to her.

"Oh hey Peter, what are you-." She was cut off when Peter just pulled her into the biggest hug, she was hesitant at first but then she loosened up, hugging him back. He then quickly pulled away and looked right at her.

"MJ I like you, like a lot, I really like you, and I had gotten you these chocolates but Clint ate like half of them, then out in the hall I saw flash making out with this girl who looked like you so I cried and started eating them-." This time it was MJ's turn to cut him off, but with a peck on the cheek.

"It's ok loser, and I really like you too." She said with a soft smile as she looked to the ground moving her hair behind her ear.

"And now there's only one left." Peter said sadly as he opened up the box pulling out the last chocolate and holding it up.

"That doesn't matter Peter, I mean this has already meant the world to me, even this one little chocolate." She said taking it from her hands as they both just laughed. "And trust me, there's no way I'd go making out with Flash." She said with a laugh.

"Ehem." Both MJ and Peter turned their heads and saw Ned, they had just completely forgot he was there.

"Oh sorry Ned, I forgot you were there." Peter said rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Yeah happy Valentine's Day to you too." He said jokingly, they all just laughed together.

"Hey, what do you say we have a sleepover tonight, it is almost the weekend after all." Peter said shrugging with a smile.

"With the Avengers?" Ned said as he turned to MJ, both of which had a smile on their faces.

"Hell yeah!" The both said in unison.


Hey guys Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope you guys didn't make out too hard today, I on the other hand got a flower from my history teacher and some cherry twin popsicles from some random girl so that's awesome.

This I kinda just remembered today to do so it's super super short, less than 1000 words sooo haha yeah, I will be getting a few more chapters out, I have one request that's long over due, part three to the spider disease will come out after that, then I have two other requests to write, but I've kinda been in a writing mood but not so much, mainly just because my favorite uncle passed of a heart attack on Wednesday I think, but I know he lived a good life, it was cut off short but still good.

But regardless I hope you guys enjoyed this mini chapter, also thank you guys for 34k I still can't believe that I've got that many reads it's really insane. Also don't forget to vote, comment, follow me, and add this book to your readings lists, and also go check out my other book Forged in Fear about if Peter was kidnapped by HYDRA at a young age. But I hope you had a great Valentine's Day, even if it was lonely like mine and until next time! Bye!


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