The Best Day Ever

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Peter was sitting in class, and so far, this had been one of the most boring school days, ever. He tapped his pen as he looked at the clock, sighing impatiently, he only had five more minutes left and this teacher was insisting on continuing her lecture 'till the bell.

Peter started writing down notes, because somehow with the time he took to look at the clock, he managed to miss three new points the teacher had wrote on the board.

Like how is that even possible?! Do teachers have like some magic power that they can sense when a kid isn't paying attention, so they somehow grow a third arm and just start speed writing? Peter was set on it.

Peter wrote down all the notes before the teacher suddenly just she just stopped, she capped the marker and let the last few stragglers catch up on the rest of the notes before she went to her desk and pulled out a bunch of slips of half sheets of paper.

"Ok everyone, I have a very important announcement to make, it took a lot of convincing for the school to be allowed to come, but we made it happen." Peter confused yet excited, he was on the edge of his chair waiting for this surprise.

"Everyone," the teacher said as she started handing out slips of paper. "We have received the great honor of being able to take a field trip to the Avenger's tower, and not just that, to be able to meet Tony Stark himself!" She said excited as everyone in the room started cheering.

Peter was so happy. He had always wanted to go to the Avenger's tower, and he absolutely adored Tony Stark. He was so smart and cool, and also, he was iron man. He always looked up to him as his greatest inspiration, even if he had never met the man in person.

He was so excited that when he got she slip he read over it nearly five times before the reality that they were actually allowed to go set in. When the bell finally rung, he practically ran out of that classroom faster than a cheetah named Kyle.

He ran to his locker where he went and deposited all the stuff he didn't need while shoving everything he did, into his backpack. He shut his locker with a huge grin on his face but it was quickly erased when he saw Flash standing there, leaning against the locker beside his with a smirk on his face.

Peter sighed knowing that he was probably going to brag about his internship, Flash always tried to get as much attention as possible but with his internship at the Avenger's tower, he truly gained the attention he wanted, but Peter never truly bought it.

"What do you want Flash." Peter stated as he just tried to start walking but Flash followed him.

"Oh nothing, just excited that you all get to see me in my natural element with those field trip." He said with a smirk as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah yeah, I get it, you work for Tony Stark and I've never met him, anything new to tell me?" Peter asked with sarcasm just tired of his constant boasting.

"Yeah, he thought I was an extraordinary student, far smarter than your inferior mind Penis, so don't think you ever have a chance." He said venom lacing his voice as he walked off.

Peter sighed, he was always so jealous of Flash. He knew he was smarter than him so there really wasn't any way to say that he actually got one with his brain, so Peter just assumed he got one by having his parents pay.

Peter tried to let the thought slide as he exited the school, the cool wind encasing him. He felt a burst of energy and just decided he'd run home, he had to have May sign this slip as soon as possible.

When he got to the apartment he ran inside and started for the stairs. He bolted up them before he reached their apartment. He quickly opened the door with a huge grin on his face as he slid into the kitchen, panting for air as he ignored May's shocked expression of her kid's dramatic entrance.

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