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It was around ten on a Wednesday night at the Avengers compound and most everyone was prepping to go to bed, or hanging out in the common room. Since it was a school night, although Peter wanted to stay and hang out with everyone else, Mr. Stark sent him to his room and told him he had to get some sleep.

Sure it was annoying, and even if he wanted to go out patrolling Mr. Stark would probably drag him back and lock him in his room forever, so he stayed. He had gotten out of the shower and was drying off, brushing his teeth and doing all the normal things.

He had finished up and when he came out of the bathroom he looked down the corridor to where he heard all the adults laughing and having a good time before huffing and walking back to his room.

"Friday what time is it?" He asked as he entered his room.

"It is approximately a quarter till eleve-" She was cut of by Peter letting out a scream. It was merely seconds later when the door was literally blasted open and behind it was Mr. Stark with both hands of his Iron Man suit on and then behind him, all the rest of the Avengers. They all looked ready to fight but only in their PJ's.

"Peter what's wrong?" Mr. Stark said as he rushed into the room.

"T-There's a S-Spider." Peter said as he cowered behind his mentor. There was a brief moment of silence.

"You made me think you were being kidnapped, nearly gave me a heart attack, literally destroyed this door... over a spider?" He asked.

"W-Well I wouldn't think you'd do that. Now can you just K-Kill it." Peter said as he looked at him with teary eyes.

"How can you be afraid of spiders, you literally are one pretty much?" Steve asked standing in his Captain America PJ's with fluffy slippers on.

"You know being bitten by a spider, getting deathly sick over it then suddenly getting magic powers is a pretty terrifying experience don't you think, so of course I'm afraid of spiders." Peter said.

Mr. Stark walked over to Peter's night stand and grabbed a tissue out of his tissue box before swatting a wolf spider that sat on the wall above Peter's desk and smashing it with the tissue. He turned around and looked at Peter.

"Happy?" He suddenly saw the look of dread on everyone's face as every avenger began yelling all running out of the room. Confused Mr. Stark turned around and saw the horror in front of him as hundreds of little baby spiders scattered all over the wall.

Terrified he tried to run and slipped on the hardwood floor with his slippers before taking them off and just throwing them at the spiders and sprinting out of the room shutting the door.

He returned the common room and saw Peter sitting on the couch nearly crying, curled up in a ball with Wanda and Natasha consoling him

"Hey uh Friday?" He said to the ceiling.

"Yes Boss?" the AI replied.

"Can you get Peter's school stuff out of his room, spider free, the quarantine his room and kill every last living bug and insect in his room?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Will do Boss." suddenly sections of the ceiling open up, and out popped a bunch of medium sized robots that began their trip to Peter's room.

That night no one slept in their own rooms, they all slept in the common room, Peter was being paranoid and was worried that there were spiders on the ground or they would climb onto the couch to get him, so he decided to test out a new web mix he had been trying to perfect for a while now.

It was a 12 hour seal, so the webs, instead of dissolving after two hours they would dissolve after 12. He had made basically a spider web that was dangling from the ceiling and brought a pillow and blanket with him and slept there. Once Friday had brought his spider free outfit for tomorrow and school supplies out, he had them webbed to the ceiling.

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