Mothers Day

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Peter woke up feeling tired at the sound of his alarm. He groaned and quickly shut it off, grabbing his phone. The screen flashed on a bright light and Peter quickly shut his eyes. He opened them a tad to lower his screen brightness before finally opening his eyes again. He checked the time. It was currently five am on Sunday, May 10th. He smiled to himself. It was finally Mother's Day.

He had been devising a plan for nearly two weeks now, and it was finally time to put it into motion. He quickly jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth before running out into the kitchen. He took a look out his apartment window and saw few cars out as most the city was still asleep. May had night shift so she wasn't going to be home till around eight so that meant Peter had around three hours to get everything all set up.

He went over to the fridge and got himself out the milk, then some cereal and poured himself a bowl, sitting down on the couch to eat. The entire time he was eating he couldn't stop thinking about how great today was going to be. Once he was finished he cleaned his spoon and his bowl and put them away. His next step was taking a shower.

He got everything he needed then headed back to the bathroom where he took a shower which only took around fifteen minutes. He blow dried his hair and did it up to make sure it looked nice. He then went to his room and got dressed. He put on some clothes that were fancy yet not too fancy so it was kind of like a casual fancy, and now that he was al ready, it was time to begin. First he looked up to the ceiling, where he originally used to keep his suit in the attic storage but now since May knew, there was no longer a need, except now he was able to hide things there, which he did.

He quickly grabbed the pole he used to open it and pushed it open, sadly he didn't think things through and the mass amount of flowers he had bought the day before all came falling down on top of him. He tried to cover himself but ended up slipping and falling instead, as all the bouquets of flowers came tumbling on top of him. He let out a sigh as he picked a rose petal off of his head, but he looked at all the flowers and smiled, before a lingering bouquet that was still up there fell late hitting Peter in the head. He groaned and stood up brushing petals and leaves off of himself as he stepped over all the flowers careful not to step on them.

He went back to the bathroom and touched up his hair that was now a little messy from the avalanche of flowers that fell onto him. Once he was done he went back to his room and started gathering the flowers. He brought them into the kitchen and living room and set them all up. He saved two bouquets of roses though for later. Now that step one was done, he moved onto step two, cooking.

He started preparing a nice breakfast for May to enjoy with lots of fruit and all her favorite foods, and he even decided he'd make a cake for her. He cooked and cooked which took a while but finally, he got as much as he could done, finishing by placing the cake into the oven. He wiped his brow of sweat, it was hard cooking so much at once in such a hot kitchen. He still had time though, around an extra hour and a half of time. He started cleaning everything around the apartment, from the dishes, to the floors and the windows, he made everything was sparkling.

Thankfully he finished cleaning just as the cake was ready. He pulled it out of the oven, careful not to burn his hands, and set it aside to cool off before he frosted it. But now that the cake was cooling and the apartment was clean, he had to put the final finishing touches. He went to the bathroom and lit some of May's favorite candles in there and set them beside the bath tub so they could start making the bathroom smell nice, and he took a few out to the kitchen and lit them as well. Then he went to the roses he saved and pulled all the petals off of them. He put them in a big bowl before remembering he had another thing to do. He left the bowl on the counter and ran back into the bathroom where he turned on the bath. He set the water to as hot as it could go, since he was drawing a bath now, by the time May was ready, the water will have cooled off by then enough to be warm yet not too hot or too cold. Then he went back out to the kitchen and grabbed some of May's wine. He poured a glass and set it next to the bath for her to have as well. Then he went and grabbed his bowl of rose petals.

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