Sensory Overload

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Peter made his way down the hall, after seven, painfully long hours, school was finally over. The entire day Peter was suffering through a slowly increasing headache and no matter what he did, nothing seemed to phase it. No form of pain medication helped his state. Of course this all happened on the one day that Peter forgot to bring his water bottle with him so his mild case of dehydration was doing nothing but hurt him.

Even if the present wasn't all that enjoyable, today was Friday and he could finally go home and relax, and hide away in his room. Headaches for the average person are something that can be a mild inconvenience but for Peter and his heightened senses, they were more of an event. Sure some can be relatively minor, there was a very clear line for him of what's average and what is beyond him.

He finally reached his locker and with every step he could almost feel it increasing. He worked through the lock and quickly grabbed his bag, mindlessly filling it with folders and notebooks hoping his subconscious brought his homework along with him because he wasn't all too in the moment to think about all that. Just wanting to get home, he shut and locked his locker and despite his own footsteps shaking pain up into his head, he did his best to make it to the front of the school as fast as he could.

Along his way, Peter came across a bathroom and on the outside wall, a water fountain. He cut across some of the few remaining students and bent over, pressing the button on the side and began sucking up as much water as he could. His throat was dry and given the circumstances, he didn't think water could taste that good. He could feel his body cutting him off so he stood back up straight using his sleeve to wipe the remaining water that dripped down from his mouth. He gave a mental laugh as he compared himself to a parched kid chugging down water in-between rounds of freeze tag.

He had barely taken two steps before his senses set off like a knife stabbing into the base of his neck before he was shoved foreword, losing his footing and tripping over himself onto the floor. He reached his hands out but came too close in contact with the wall, and slammed his forehead right into it. Now frozen on his knees he could almost hear his ears ringing as he gripped at his forehead. His mind almost went blank by the shock.

"Woah, sorry I didn't see you there Parker, you should really watch where you're going next time." He didn't even need to turn around to see the smirk on Flash's face so he just saved himself the energy.

"Why haven't you gone home yet, we don't even have practice today?" Peter asked opting to stay kneeling on the floor so there was no chance he could get pushed over again.

"What? Am I not allowed to pay my favorite loser a visit before the weekend? I won't be able to see you for two days after all." Flash mocked.

"Obsessed much?" Peter barely muttered under his breath but sadly not quiet enough. Flash reached out a foot to kick him just enough so Peter was now facing him with his back leant against the wall.

"Watch it Parker, unless you wanna show me how much of a masochist you really are." Flash sneered, Peter simply averted his gaze to the floor. A moment passed before before Flash pulled his backpack from his back, opening it before pulling a packet out from his folder. "I'm planning on going out with my friends this weekend so I thought I'd stop by to drop off my calculus homework. Don't worry, it seems like a lot but you have until fourth period on Tuesday to get it back to me. I mean I could do it Sunday but I thought that I've been a little too easy on you this week." Flash casually stated as he replaced his backpack.

"Wow, how kind of you." Peter sarcastically thanked.

"Yeah don't mention it penis." Flash said as he gently kicked at his foot before walking his way down the hall. Peter waited for Flash to round the corner at the end of the hall before he brought himself back up to his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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