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"Jimin, how much do you plan on spending? We haven't even got to the alcohol section yet." Jeongguk looks at the full trolley with wide eyes. Jimin laughs.

"Guk, it's a party. With a lot of people. I need a lot of stuff." Jimin throws three bags of crisps in the trolley.

"You better be paying." Jeongguk mumbles and Jimin smiles.

"I am. But if I'm a little off you can help like the good friend you are." Jimin bats his eyes at Jeongguk and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Mhm. You're lucky I'm a good friend." Jeongguk grabs a few things for himself.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk places the items into the trolley.

"Well, like I said I'm not going to be leaving my room. So, I'm getting some snacks and things for myself." Jeongguk says and Jimin smiles.

"You know Taehyung is going to be there." Jimin nudges Jeongguk and Jeongguk smiles sadly.

"And he'll probably have his tongue halfway down some chicks throat. Does it look like I wanna see that?" Jeongguk grabs a 2-litre bottle of Sprite.

"I suppose. Okay, fine. You stay in your little corner and I'll drink for you." Jimin says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"I swear Jimin if you get pissed off your mind and the next day you have the worst hangover I'm forcing you to clean up," Jeongguk says and Jimin laughs nervously, knowing Jeongguk wasn't kidding.

They finally reach the alcohol aisle and Jimin starts going in.

"Jiminie, I didn't realise that we were inviting all of Korea to the party." Jeongguk looks at all the alcohol Jimin has put into the trolley.

"Ah, Guk. People go through alcohol unnaturally fast. It's scary." Jimin puts the last few items into the cart.

"Yeah, you would know." Jeongguk jokes and Jimin scoffs.

"You little bastard," Jimin says with distaste and Jeongguk laughs.

"Hey, you're not denying it," Jeongguk says and Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Mhm, whatever," Jimin mutters as he goes up to the register. Jeongguk follows him.

"Hey, Jackson." Jimin smiles and Jackson smiles back as he starts scanning items.

"Hey, Jimin. Is this for your party tomorrow?" Jackson asks and Jimin nods.

"Yep. You coming?" Jimin asks and Jackson smiles.

"Of course. Free food and alcohol. Why would I pass up that opportunity?" Jackson jokes and Jimin laughs.

"Is that all I am to you?" Jimin jokes and Jackson laughs.

"Mhm, I should try and get you near the start. The second Namjoon gets there, let's just say that no one is seeing you for the rest of the night." Jackson winks at Jimin.

"Shut up. But that would be a good idea to catch me at the start." Jimin says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"I want to go home within the next hour." Jeongguk drawls and Jackson and Jimin laugh.

"Okay, Mr impatient." Jimin scoffs.

"Hey, Jeongguk." Jackson gives Jeongguk a small wave and Jeongguk returns it.

"Hey, Jackson."

Jackson finishes up scanning all the items and Jimin packs them into bags in the trolley. Jeongguk leans against the exit, waiting for Jimin.

"That would be $103.45," Jackson says and Jimin laughs nervously.

"Uhm, here and Jeongguk? Could you help?" Jimin smiles at Jeongguk and he walks over already getting his wallet out.

"How much is he off by?" Jeongguk asks and Jackson laughs.

"$30." Jeongguk hands int the designated amount.

"Thank you." Jeongguk and Jimin say as they leave the shop.

"Thanks, Gukkie!" Jimin hugs Jeongguk.

"Mhm, you're welcome." They load up the car and they drive home.

They arrive and the bring in all the bags. They set them on the counter and Jimin will sort them out tomorrow when setting the party up.

"I'm going out with Joonie. I probably won't be home." Jimin grabs a few things.

"That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." Jeongguk says and Jimin leaves.

"I guess I'm on my own," Jeongguk mutters to himself as he sits on his couch. He frowns.

"I really am boring. I don't wanna watch a movie...maybe I'll watch videos? Nah, I'll read." Jeongguk grabs the book he was currently reading and he opens the last page he was on.

After an hour of reading Jeongguk finally flings the book on the table "Stupid book people. Being stupid." He mutters to himself before standing up to get some food.

He returns to the couch with a cup of instant noodles, a big bar of chocolate and a can of sprite. He was in a daze. His mind was all over the place. He was thinking about the party. He was thinking about himself. He was thinking about Taehyung. If he was being honest, he would leave his room to see Taehyung but he didn't want to risk it seeing Taehyung with his tongue down someone's throat and Jeongguk's poor little heart getting broken. Last time he went to a party and he saw that he was distraught for days afterwards. So, staying in his room was the best option for him. And plus he avoids all of the drunk and horny assholes. He can handle not seeing Taehyung for one night.

Jeongguk was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone went off. It was his friend, Mingyu. Jeongguk smiled as he started typing into the phone. He sent the message and not a minute later his phone rang.

"Hey. What are you up to?"
"Just contemplating life on my couch. What about you?"
"I'm trying to pick an outfit for the party tomorrow."
"Someone's prepared. Trying to impress anyone?"
"Maybe. Why?"
"Awwwh. How cute!"
"Shut up. Are you going to be there?"
"Yes and no."
"Bitch the fuck?"
"I'll be in the house but I won't be interacting with humans. Ew."
"Okay, mister anti-social. Would I still be able to see you?"
"Yeah, just pop up to my room. Let me see what you're wearing."
"Haha. Do you have any plans for the weekend before we go back?"
"Oh, we should hang out."
"Yeah, we should. How does Saturday sound? At the cafe?"
"2 o'clock."

Jeongguk and Mingyu continue to talk for a few hours before Jeongguk decided to call it a night. He said his goodbyes to Mingyu before heading to bed. He changes out of his clothes into something more comfortable and he plugs his phone in before laying in bed and going to sleep.

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now