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Week: 20
Date: 18th January

Gender reveal day.

Tae-Seol and Jimin are getting the house ready.

Jeongguk and Taehyung are with Seokjin and Namjoon as Tae-Seol and Jimin get the decorations up.

"I can't wait! I can't believe the gender reveal is today!" Taehyung exclaims as he sits beside Jeongguk, handing him his sprite.

"I know. I have so much energy pent up inside me. I don't know what to do with myself." Jeongguk takes a sip of his drink.

"They said that they'd be done in about an hour, yeah?" Hoseok asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah, but an hour is too long. I just want it to be done already." He whines and everyone laughs.

"I think we all do."

They all waited that painfully long hour and when Jimin texted Jeongguk to say that they were done, he nearly leaped off the couch. They arrive at their house and one look inside made Taehyung and Jeongguk's faces light up.

Tae-Seol and Jimin stuck to Taehyung's request. No pink and blue.

"Green and purple?" Taehyung says as Tae-Seol walks over to him.

"No pink and blue." Tae-Seol says and Taehyung smiles.

"I love it."

Just then everyone could hear fanboy like screaming from the kitchen. It was Jeongguk and Jimin.

"I take it he's excited." Tae-Seol says and her brother smiles.

"He really is. Oh and Tae-Seol can I talk to you about something?" Taehyung asks and Tae-Seol hesitates.

"How important is it?"


"So, how are we going to reveal the gender?" Jeongguk asks and Jimin smirks. He takes an egg carton out of a press. Then he opens it to reveal two eggs. One green. One purple.

"Purple is girl. Green is boy. You crack them over each others heads. One is hard boiled one isn't and the one that isn't is the gender." Jimin explains and Jeongguk nods.

"Say if Taehyung cracks the green one over my head and it cracks then its a boy." Jeongguk was making sure and Jimin nods.


Guests were now starting to arrive. They didn't invite a lot. Only close family and friends. There are twelve all together not including Taehyung and Jeongguk.

As everyone was coming in Jeongguk and Taehyung were greeting them.

"Jae! Tae-Sung!" Jeongguk hugs them.

"Hey, Guk!" Jaewon smiles.

"Are you excited?" Tae-Sung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah! But of course Jimin and TaeSeol's idea for the reveal involves pain." Jeongguk says and Taehyung looks at him with wide eyes.


"Do you not know what we're doing?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung shakes his head.

"Go ask Jimin." Jeongguk shoos Taehyung away and he turns to Jaewon and Tae-Sung. He smiles upon seeing them so close again.

"I take it my brother hasn't fucked up again yet?" Jeongguk asks and Jaewon rolls his eyes.

"It's only been a few days. Give it time." Tae-Sung jokes and Jaewon crosses his arms.

"You guys have no faith in me." Jaewon mumbles and Jeongguk and Tae-Sung laugh.

"We're kidding. Come on. Let's go." Tae-Sung takes Jaewon's hand and drags him off.

Then there was another knock. Jeongguk smiles as he opens the door but his smile falters when he sees his mother. But he felt a bit relieved when he saw his father

"Hi mom. Hi dad. Come in." Jeongguk steps aside and his mother and father walk inside.

"Green and purple?" His mother asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Taehyung didn't want the typical pink and blue so Jimin and Tae-Seol went with green and purple." Jeongguk explains and  she nods.


Great. She's already judging. That's just fantastic.

"You look great, Jeongguk." His father says and Jeongguk smiles.

"Thanks dad." Jeongguk hugs his father.

"If she gets too much, I'll stop her." He says and Jeongguk nods.


Jeongguk walks into the kitchen to see all of his friends and family.

"Hey, Jeongguk. How are you?" Hye-sung, Taehyung's mother comes up beside him.

"Hey, Hye-sung. I'm great. I feel great." Jeongguk says and Hye-sung smiles.

"That's good but that feeling won't last. I would know." Hye-sung says and Jeongguk laughs.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Jeongguk talks to everyone and everything is going good. No drama. Everyone's getting along. Well, that was until his mother started up.

"Jaewon? Who's this?"

"Mom, do you not remember Tae-Sung? From high school?" Jaewon asks and she nods.

"Oh yeah."

"Yeah, well we reconnected recently and..." Jaewon takes Tae-Sung's hand.

"...you're together?" She asks and Jaewon nods.

"Yeah. We are." He says and she looks down.

"I really don't believe it. I couldn't have one straight son." She mumbles to herself.

"Is everything okay over here?" Jeongguk asks and his mother scowls.

"Mom, what's going on over here?" Jeongguk asks again.

"Did you know about your brother?" She asks and Jeongguk sighs.

"He never told me but I figured it out myself," Jeongguk says and she nods.

"Is there a problem, mom?" Jeongguk then asks.

"Yes actually. There is a problem. There are a lot of problems. Would you like to hear them?" She asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Sure. Why not? Let's hear it." Jeongguk says as he crosses his arms.

The entire place was silent, nobody dared to speak. The atmosphere was way too tense.

"Jeongguk, why are you going through with this? You had such a promising future and you throw it away all so you can raise a child." She says and Jeongguk sigh.

"Jeongguk?" His father comes over and Jeongguk stops him.

"I'm going through with this because I want to. It's my choice. I told you before and I'll tell you again. I. Want. This. Baby. And I'll be damned if you or anyone else tries to steer me elsewhere. And it's funny how you care about my future now. Promising future? Please! Aren't you the exact same person who said being a photographer isn't a real job and that I should do a business degree and work with Jaewon in his company? No, mom. You don't care about my future. You're just looking for more ways to pick at me. Break me down. Not anymore." Jeongguk was on the verge of tears.

"You make me seem like a bad mother when you say it like that-"

"You are a bad mother! You ignore me for my sexual preferences. You make me feel as if I'm a piece of shit. You question the father of my baby. But you know what you could do? You could be happy for me. But no. You will never be happy for me. So, you can either stay and stop causing problems or you can leave." Jeongguk walks away. He is sick of her shit.

Jeongguk sighs.

"Who's ready to find out the gender of my baby?"

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