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Jimin returns home from talking with Jeongguk. He sees Namjoon hang up the phone.

"Was that Taehyung?" Jimin asks and Namjoon smiles.

"Yeah," Namjoon says as Jimin cuddles into him on the couch.

"Was it about the fight that they had?" Jimin asks and Namjoon nods.

"Yeah. In fairness, Jeongguk shouldn't date while he's pregnant with Taehyung's child." Namjoon says and Jimin shoots up, out of Namjoon's arms.

"Uhm, no. Jeongguk should be allowed to see with other people. It's his decision. Not Taehyung's." Jimin says and Namjoon furrows his eyebrows.

"What? No, it's not right to date other people when you're pregnant with someone else's child." Namjoon says and Jimin shakes his head.

"No. He can do whatever he wants. He's his own person!" Jimin stands up off the couch.

"I'm just saying it's not right. It's weird." Namjoon says and Jimin scoffs.

"So, you're saying if we weren't together and you got me pregnant you wouldn't let me date anyone else?" Jimin asks and Namjoon goes quiet.

"I thought so." Jimin storms out.

"Wait, Jimin." It was too late. He was gone.

And now Jimin and Namjoon are in a fight.

This is just great.

**Two Days Later**

Jimin and Namjoon haven't spoken to each other.

Taehyung and Jeongguk haven't spoken to each other.

Jimin and Jeongguk were staying with Seokjin and Tae-Seol in their house. Tae-Seol had watched the two boys mope around the house with nothing better to do but frown. And she was sick of it.

"I swear to god Seokjin, if Jeongguk wasn't pregnant, I'd have kicked him out ages ago," Tae-Seol complains and Seokjin laughs.

"You know that you could never." Seokjin back hugs Tae-Seol.

"Don't test me, bitch," Tae-Seol says and Seokjin puts his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, I won't," Seokjin says and Tae-Seol sighs.

"I'm going to have to help them," Tae-Seol mutters as she grabs her phone. She sends a simple text to Taehyung and Namjoon.

"What did you do?" Seokjin asks and Tae-Seol smirks.

"Oh, nothing. Just wait and see."

**Two Hours Later**

"You haven't spoken to him in two days," Tae-Seol says and Jeongguk frowns as he hums.

"It's killing you, isn't it?" Tae-Seol then asks and Jeongguk sighs.

"Maybe." He mutters.

**Knock Knock**

"Let me get that." Tae-Seol stands up to answer the door.

"Ah, good. Both of you came at the same time. Come." Tae-Seol says and the two boys do as they're told.

They walk into the living room and Jeongguk looks at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"Taehyung, take a seat beside Jeongguk. Namjoon, you sit over there." Tae-Seol says and the boys do as they're told.

"Park Jimin! Get your ass down here!" Tae-Seol yells and the other three boys flinch.

Jimin timidly walks into the living room.

"Did I do something?" Jimin asks and Tae-Seol shakes her head.

"Just take a seat beside Namjoon." She says and Jimin hesitates before doing so.

"Where's Seokjin?" She asks before said male walks in.

"Right here."

"Good. Now, I presume you all know why I called you all here." Tae-Seol says and everyone except for Seokjin nods.

"Mhm. Okay, let me start you two first." She sits in front of Jeongguk and Taehyung.

"Now, explain to me again what this fight is about," Tae-Seol says and Jeongguk speaks up first.

"Kim Mingyu asked me on a date and Taehyung thinks he can control what I can and can't do. He said that he doesn't want me dating anyone." Jeongguk says and Taehyung sits forward.

"I'm not controlling your life. I'm just saying that I don't want you to date, anyone, while you're pregnant with my child." Taehyung defends and before Jeongguk could bite back Tae-Seol interrupted them.

"Children! Do you think there's any way to settle this civilly?" Tae-Seol asks and Taehyung and Jeongguk try to sort it out but it leads to more bickering. Tae-Seol abruptly stands up.

"Seeing as you two can't stop bickering like a married couple, I'll help sort it out," Tae-Seol says as he begins to pace.

The only thing going through Taehyung's mind right now was 'oh no'.

"Both of you really need to sort your shit out. Set boundaries and stuff like that to prevent petty fights like this happening. In my opinion, yes it's very weird for Jeongguk to go on a date while he's pregnant but he should be allowed to. You shouldn't make decisions for him, Taehyung. But you should listen to Taehyung's suggestions, Jeongguk. I presume Taehyung, you're uncomfortable with the thought of Jeongguk dating because he's pregnant. Jeongguk, you just want to continue to live your life. Taehyung, you have to realise that Jeongguk's a grown man and that he can make decisions for himself. Jeongguk, you have to realise that you are pregnant and that your life isn't going to be the same." Tae-Seol rants and everyone just sits there and listens.

"And as for you two," She turns to face Jimin and Namjoon.

"Next time something like this happens, keep to yourselves. Don't fight over other people's problems. It was a stupid fight both of you got into." Tae-Seol says before turning to Seokjin.

"We're going on a date," Tae-Seol says as she grabs Seokjin and leaves.

Jimin and Namjoon leave the room.

"So." Taehyung mumbles and they look at each other.

"So." Jeongguk says back.

"I suppose Tae-Seol is right. It isn't my place to make decisions for you. I just didn't like the idea of you dating anyone else." Taehyung says and Jeongguk smiles.

"And it is wrong for me to go out with someone else if I am pregnant with your child." Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods.

"So we were both wrong." Taehyung says.

"Yes we were."

"So, I suppose that it should be okay for you to go on that date with Mingyu." Taehyung scratches the back of his neck.

"I could, if I had said yes." Jeongguk says and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"You didn't say yes?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk shakes his head.

"Nope. He didn't know that I'm pregnant so I said no and I explained to him that I am pregnant." Jeongguk says and Taehyung laughs.

"Wow. I feel like and idiot now." Taehyung says and Jeongguk shrugs.

"Well, I mean from what I've seen." Jeongguk jokes and Taehyung nudges him.

"You're so mean." Taehyung says and Jeongguk giggles.

"Blame it on the baby." Jeongguk says and Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes.

"It's always the baby's fault." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

"Of course." Jeongguk says and Taehyung smiles.

"Hug?" He opens his arms and Jeongguk happily hugs him.

"We're good now?"

"We're good."

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now