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It was the first day back. Jeongguk hadn't seen Taehyung since the party and today he was going to give him a piece of his mind. Obviously, Jimin played a part in Jeongguk's revenge.

Jeongguk was walking through campus getting used to the grounds again. It's his second year in the college now and he already felt himself getting used to the feel of it.

"Feels nice to be back in a routine," Jeongguk mumbles to himself.

Jeongguk looked around the campus and he spotted some familiar faces and some new ones. But his eyes caught someone in particular. Oh, how his blood boiled. There were a lot of things he wanted to do but he had one goal in mind. Something he already planned. So, with no hesitation, Jeongguk stomped up to Kim Taehyung.

Jeongguk pulled the denim jacket out of the bag and he threw it at Taehyung.

"Jeongguk?" Taehyung was very confused and he went to apologise but Jeongguk spoke up first.

"Thanks for the ten seconds last week, asshole." And with that Jeongguk stormed off. He didn't want anything to do with Taehyung. That was it for him.

Taehyung was left there holding his jacket, very confused. But when it finally clicked with him he felt terrible. A lot of people were staring but Taehyung didn't care, he was worried about Jeongguk.

Taehyung held out the jacket. There was something cut out from the back of it.


"Yeah, I deserve that." Taehyung sighs and he decides to head home. He can deal with college next week. Jeongguk doesn't want to see him. He'll give him a week. Then it's back to reality.

Taehyung stayed home for the rest of the week and one by one the boys came by and gave out to him. Gave him a lecture. And Taehyung took every word. But nothing could beat what his sister said. Every weekend, Tae-Seol stays at Namjoon and Taehyung's. So, when she came in and sat down beside Taehyung and didn't say a word that's when Taehyung knew for sure that there was no going back. No fixing things. This is his mistake and now he has to live with it.

"You're not going to yell at me like everyone else?" Taehyung looks at his sister.

"What's the point in yelling?" Taehyung stays silent.

"I'm just disappointed. You had the chance of having a nice relationship with someone who cared deeply for you and you just throw it away like that." Tae-Seol says and Taehyung looks down.

"Did you break his heart first so he wouldn't break yours? I understand that you're scared Taehyung but that doesn't mean you don't try." Taehyung stays silent. He knows Tae-Seol is right.

"I'm staying with Seokjin. My roommate is out of town and I need somewhere to stay." Tae-Seol walks out.

"I really fucked up."

**5 Weeks Later**

Jeongguk sat down in the classroom beside Mingyu and Yugyeom. They were all talking happily amongst themselves before the class started.

"Why did you come today if you feel sick, Gukkie?" Mingyu asks and Jeongguk shrugs.

"I didn't want to miss class," Jeongguk says and his friends sigh.

"Jeongguk, you have to take care of yourself," Yugyeom says and Jeongguk pout.

"I only feel sick. I haven't gotten sick." Jeongguk says and Mingyu nods.

"Okay, but if you feel like it, just go," Mingyu says and Jeongguk nods.

"You know I am a grown man. I can take care of myself." Jeongguk says and Yugyeom nudges him.

"Yeah, but you don't do a very good job at taking care of yourself," Yugyeom says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." Jeongguk grumbles and his friends smile.

The class starts and everyone settles down. The lesson goes on and about half an hour into it Jeongguk felt like getting sick. He quickly stood up and he ran out of the classroom and to the nearest bathroom before throwing up.

Mingyu follows after him and he finds Jeongguk leaning against the toilet. Mingyu comes up behind him and he rubs his back comfortingly as Jeongguk continues to get sick. Then Yugyeom walks in.

"Professor said to check up on you," Yugyeom says and Jeongguk puts his thumb up.

"Just fucking peachy." And Jeongguk gets sick again.

"Go back and get his things, I'll bring him home," Mingyu says and Yugyeom nods before leaving the bathroom.

"I don't want you to miss class because of me," Jeongguk says and Mingyu smiles.

"Well, too bad. Someone has to take care of you until Jimin comes home." Mingyu says and Jeongguk frowns. He doesn't really want anyone taking care of him. But Mingyu is persistent.


**2 Days Later**

It was finally Friday and Jimin and Jeongguk just got home from classes. Jeongguk went into the kitchen to cook dinner for both himself and Jimin.

"Anything in particular you want, Jiminie?" Jeongguk asks and Jimin sits on the counter.

"Whatever's easiest," Jimin says and Jeongguk nods. He decides to put on some ramen. He's been craving it all day.

As he was cooking everything he got a sudden shock of dizziness and he held onto the table for support. Jimin immediately runs over to Jeongguk, worried.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk nods as he sits on one of the chairs.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy. I don't know what happened." Jeongguk says and Jimin sighs.

"You might be coming down with something. You were sick two days ago. You had a migraine yesterday. And now this." Jimin says and Jeongguk groans.

"I suppose I've been really tired the past week," Jeongguk says and Jimin sighs.

"Why do you not tell me these things?" Jimin pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I don't want to worry you," Jeongguk says and Jimin rolls his eyes.

"You worry me more when you don't tell me. Now, come on up to bed." Jimin says and Jeongguk wanted to protest but Jimin was already guiding him upstairs.

**The Next Day**

Jeongguk woke up the next day and his body was on fire.

"Did Jimin turn up the heat?" Jeongguk asks himself as he got up. He goes into the bathroom and he does what he usually does. Brush his teeth, wash his face and do whatever skincare routine he does.

He goes downstairs and he gets some cereal for himself. Then Jimin came down.

"Morning." Jeongguk smiles.

"Hey, how are feeling?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk shrugs.

"I have a headache and my stomach hurts a bit," Jeongguk says and Jimin nods.

"I was supposed to go out with Namjoon today but I can cancel-"

"No, go have fun with Namjoon." Jeongguk doesn't want Jimin to push everyone else to the side for him.

"Are you sure?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk smiles.

"Yes. I can take care of myself." Jeongguk says and Jimin nods.


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