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Jeongguk crouches down in front of his daughter and he wipes the crumbs and food smudges off of his daughter's face. Five years have passed and today is Mirae's first day of school. Mirae whines as Jeongguk continues to clean her face.

"What are you whining about? You wanna be going to school with food all over your face?" Jeongguk jokes and Mirae giggles.

"No, mommy." She responds and Jeongguk kisses her nose.

"I thought so." Jeongguk stands up and Mirae picks up her bag and puts it on her back.

"Mommy, when are we going?" Mirae asks impatiently.

"As soon as daddy comes. He's bringing us." Jeongguk responds as he sits on the couch. Mirae comes over and sits on his lap.

"Will he be here soon?" She asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah, he will. Are you excited for school?" Jeongguk asks and Mirae smiles widely.

"Yes! I'm going to make new friends and I'm going to be the most smartest in the class." Mirae says and Jeongguk laughs.

"I have no doubts about that." Jeongguk hugs his daughter and he kisses her on the cheek.

"Mommy? When will we be seeing uncle Jae again?" Mirae asks and Jeongguk thinks.

"Hm, he's very busy between his job and then Tae-Sung. Soon, hopefully. You'll get to see auntie Tae-Seol after school though." Jeongguk says and Mirae's eyes light up.

"Really?! Yay!" Mirae hugs Jeongguk and just as she does so, Taehyung arrives.

"Come on." Jeongguk stands up with Mirae still in his arms. They go out to the car and the get into it.

"Hi, daddy!" Mirae bubble and Taehyung looks back at his daughter.

"Hi, princess. You ready for your first day of school?" Taehyung asks enthusiastically and Mirae nods hastily.


"And good morning to you." Taehyung looks at Jeongguk who continues to look out the window.

"What? Why are you ignoring me?" Jeongguk looks further away and Taehyung smiles.

"Are you salty about waking up in the bed alone?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk jokingly glares at him.

"Not even a note was left. A text twenty minutes after I woke up, 'oh yeah, forgot to tell you that I've got an early photoshoot. I'll be back to drop Mirae to school'." Jeongguk crosses his arms as he tries to keep a straight face.

"Oh come on, at least I told you," Taehyung says and Jeongguk hums.

"Okay then, accept my kiss as an apology." Taehyung jokes and Jeongguk scoffs.

"And why would I kiss you?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung smiles smugly.

"Because you love me." Taehyung leans closer and Jeongguk rolls his eyes before giving Taehyung a quick peck.

"You're lucky I do." Jeongguk mumbles and Taehyung sits back in his seat.

"You guys are gross." Mirae comments and both parents erupt in laughter.

"Come on, let's get her to school." And with that, they drove to the school where their daughter is supposed to be attending.

They exit the car and walk up to the gate. Jeongguk hugs her before letting her go inside.

"I can't believe she's in school already," Jeongguk says before hearing a small sniffle. He turns around to see Taehyung crying. Jeongguk lets out a small laugh and Taehyung nudges him.

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now