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Hye-sung brings out a plate full of small treats. Cookies, cupcakes, mint chocolate squares, brownies and other small desserts. Jeongguk's eyes light up when he sees the plate of treats. Hye-sung places the plate on the table and Jeongguk takes a cookie.

"Wow, this is so nice," Jeongguk says and Hye-sung smiles.

"I'm glad you like it."

Taehyung goes to take something from the plate but Hye-sung slaps his hand away.

"No. No desserts for you." Hey-sung says and Taehyung pouts.

"Mom-" Taehyung goes to whine but Hye-sung cuts him off.

"Don't even think about it." She says and Taehyung sighs. He looks at the plate and he eyes the brownies. His mother's brownies are his favourite. Taehyung looks at Tae-Seol who had a smug smile and then he looked at Jeongguk who was enjoying his cookie as he spoke to Hye-sung and Tae-Seol.

"You look sad." Jeongguk turns to face Taehyung as Tae-Seol and Hye-sung continued their conversation.

"I really want a brownie." Taehyung pouts and Jeongguk giggles before reaching for a brownie.

"You look cute when you pout," Jeongguk says as he takes a bite from the brownie.

"First you call me cute. Then you eat a brownie in front of me. The audacity." Taehyung crosses his arms as he tries to keep a straight face.

"I'm just an evil person." Jeongguk shrugs before taking another bite of the brownie. 

"Wow, these brownies are amazing." Jeongguk comments and Taehyung glares at Jeongguk. Jeongguk finishes up the rest of his brownie before reaching for another. This time he hands it to Taehyung.

"Thank you." Taehyung smiles at Jeongguk.

"Taehyung, I thought I said no dessert for you," Hye-sung says and Taehyung looks at her.

"But Jeongguk gave it to me. I couldn't say no to a gift." Taehyung says and Jeongguk smiles.

"How sweet of him," Hye-sung says and she smiles at Jeongguk.

"I think I gave him punishment enough," Jeongguk says and Hye-sung leans forward.

"What did you do?" She asks and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Mom!" Taehyung whines and she looks at him.

"Shut up and eat your brownie." She says before looking at Jeongguk again.

"I'll save him the embarrassment. And it doesn't matter anyway, I forgave him ages ago." Jeongguk smiles at Taehyung who looks at Jeongguk with wide eyes.

"You did?" He asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Of course. I may have still been angry but I never said whether I forgave you or not." Jeongguk says and Taehyung smiles.

"Did you enjoy the chocolate?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yes. Thank you so much for it." Jeongguk says and Hye-sung furrows her eyebrows.

"What happened?" Hye-sung asks.

"When I told Taehyung that I am pregnant he left and when he came back, he came back with a lot of chocolate and a purple bunny teddy to apologise," Jeongguk says and Hye-sung smiles.

"Wasn't that nice of him? Kim Taehyung, you are lucky this boy forgave you so easily." Hye-sung says and Taehyung looks at Jeongguk with a big smile.

"I really am."

**Later That Night**

"I'll sleep on the floor. You can take my bed." Taehyung says and Jeongguk frowns.

"Are you sure?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"Of course. You're pregnant. You can't sleep on the floor." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

"Okay. You'll be okay on the floor?" Jeongguk asks again and Taehyung smiles.

"I'll be more than okay knowing that you're comfortable in my bed. Now, I'll be back up in a minute. You get dressed and get into bed." Taehyung leaves the room. 

Jeongguk begins getting his night-clothes on and as he was about to put on his shirt, he stopped. He stood up and he walked over to the full body mirror Taehyung had and he stood sideways. He brought his hands up to his stomach. There was a small bump. Barely noticeable but still there. Jeongguk attempted to blink away whatever tears that threatened to fall. But these tears weren't sad. More so happy. 

"Look at you. You're small but there you are." Jeongguk says to the baby with a smile.

"You're going to have at least one grandparent. Hye-sung seems to be okay with this." Jeongguk says and he wipes the tears that fell.

"I have to sleep now. But I will probably talk to you tomorrow." Jeongguk says and he turns around to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, smiling at him.

"Creepy much?" Jeongguk says as he walks back over to the bed and he grabs his shirt.

"Come on, that was cute. You are cute." Taehyung says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes as he pulls his shirt on.

"Are you flirting with me Kim Taehyung? Remember where that landed us last time?" Jeongguk jokes as he climbs into the bed.

"What? I was only stating facts." Taehyung lies down and Jeongguk smiles.

"Are you ready to tell your family tomorrow?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk sighs.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure my mother is going to hate me." Jeongguk says and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Why would she hate you?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk turns to face Taehyung.

"Because she already hates me. And the fact I got pregnant and we're not even together...she's not going to be happy."

"If she didn't know we weren't together, would the impact be lessened?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk thinks for a moment.

"Possibly," Jeongguk responds and Taehyung smiles.

"Then what if we...you know what, never mind. It's a stupid idea." Taehyung says and Jeongguk scoffs.

"You cannot do that to me. What's your idea?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung sighs.

"What if we pretended to be together?" Taehyung suggests and Jeongguk smiles.

"That could work," Jeongguk says and Taehyung shoots up.

"Really? You think so?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah. I will also stop me from worrying too much." Jeongguk says and Taehyung lies back down.

"You know, there's no need to worry. You have had so many positive reactions so far and I'm sure your mother will have a good reaction. I mean, you're her son." Taehyung says and Jeongguk scoffs.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? Anyway, I'm going to sleep now." Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods.

"Okay, good night Jeongguk."

"Night, Taehyung."

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