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Week: 20
Date: 13th January

Today is the first day back after the winter break. Today is also Jeongguk's second scan. Taehyung couldn't go to the scan today. He and Tae-Seol have been with their mother with some family emergency and he is devastated that he can't be there for the second scan. But Jaewon is in town to he'll be going with Jeongguk for the scan. But first, Jeongguk need to do the first hour of class.

He walks into the class and the professor wasn't there yet so Jeongguk sits beside Yugyeom.

"Hey, Yugyeom." Jeongguk says and Yugyeom looks at Jeongguk's stomach.

"Wow. You look great. How do you feel?" Yugyeom asks and Jeongguk scrunched his nose.

"Eh, okay. A bit uncomfortable." Jeongguk says and Yugyeom nods.

"I have my second scan today. I need to leave class early though." Jeongguk frowns and Yugyeom smiles.

"I'll take down notes for you. I know you and you hate missing class." Yugyeom says and Jeongguk smiles.

"Thank you. Oh, the professor is here. I need to give him this." Jeongguk holds up his note as he walks up the the professor.

"Hey, sir." Jeongguk bows.

"Hey, Jeongguk. Is everything okay?" Jeongguk hands him the note.

"For your second scan?" The professor asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah. I'm really excited." Jeongguk says and the professor smiles.

"Are you going to keep the gender as a surprise?" He asks and Jeongguk shakes his head.

"The gender reveal is on Saturday." Jeongguk says and the professor nods.

"Well, good luck."

"Thank you."

Jeongguk walks back up to his seat and now Mingyu is there.

"Mingyu!" Jeongguk exclaims as he sits.

"Hey, Guk." Mingyu waves.

"Okay, I'm having my scan today and both of you are coming to my gender reveal." Jeongguk says and they smile.

"Yes! I can wait. I think it's gonna be a boy." Yugyeom says and Jeongguk scrunches his nose.

"I think it's a girl. What about you, Mingyu?" Jeongguk says and Mingyu frowns but covers it up before Jeongguk noticed.

"A girl." Mingyu says and Yugyeom puts his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, fine. You two just attack me like that."

"Shut up you drama queen." Jeongguk nudges Yugyeom.

"Mingyu? Are you okay?" Jeongguk asks and Mingyu nods.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asks.

"You're very quiet."

"Oh, I am? Sorry. I'm just a bit tired."

"Make sure to get lots of sleep tonight. I don't want you getting sick on me." Jeongguk says and Mingyu sighs.

"Of course."

The class starts and it felt painfully slow to Jeongguk. He really wanted to go to his scan already. So, when the hour finally passed he was delighted. He leaves the class and outside Jaewon is waiting for him.

"Hey, Jae." Jeongguk hugs his brother.

"Hey, Guk. How do you feel?" Jaewon asks and Jeongguk smiles.

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