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'I'm pregnant.'

The room went silent. Jeongguk held his breath.

"You're what?" His mother asks, making sure that she wasn't hearing things.

"I'm pr-pregnant." Jeongguk stutters. He felt weird and wrong. He could feel his heart beating faster by the second.

"You're pregnant. And I presume he's the father?" She gestures to Taehyung and Jeongguk nods.

"Can I speak to you alone, Jeongguk?" She asks and Jeongguk nods. Taehyung watches as Jeongguk and his mother leave the room. Something doesn't sit right with Taehyung. He doesn't think that the conversation between Jeongguk and his mother will go well.

Taehyung continues to look worriedly at the door. Jaewon notices how Taehyung is acting.

"You look worried. Are you worried?" Jaewon asks and Taehyung looks at him.

"Maybe a little." Taehyung mumbles as he looks at the door again.

"I didn't know you cared that much for my little brother. It didn't really seem like it a few months ago." Jaewon says and Taehyung tenses. Of course, he would tell his brother. Why wouldn't he?

"I...about that...I'm sorry for hurting him. I didn't want to but I acted on impulse and I thought about myself only." Taehyung apologises and Jaewon glares at him.

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to," Jaewon says and Taehyung nods.

"I know and I've already apologised and he forgave me," Taehyung says and Jeawon sits back in the chair.


As Jaewon continued to intimidate Taehyung, Jeongguk and his mother's conversation started.

"So, you're pregnant." She crosses her arms and Jeongguk nods timidly.

"Y-Yeah. I found out a few weeks ago." Jeongguk says and she looks down at his stomach.

"And you're going through with it? Did you even consider your other options? What about your future?" She asks and Jeongguk could feel a lump on his throat.

"N-No! I'm not going to do that. I want this baby. My baby." Jeongguk snaps and his mother rolls her eyes.

"Right. And you're going to be able to raise a child while you're in college?"She says and Jeongguk glares at her.

"Of course I can. I have Taehyung here to help me." Jeongguk says and she scoffs.

"Right, the supposed 'father'." She mocks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jeongguk snaps and she sighs.

"Maybe you don't know who the father is and you're using him as a cover-up. Really? Boyfriend? For a year? How stupid do you think I am Jeongguk?" His mother continues to mock him.

"So what if we're not together?! I know he's the father! And do you want to know how I know? Because he's the only person I've slept with. Ever. He was my first time! My only time! And yes, we may have made a mistake. But to me, it's not a mistake. They're my happy accident. And I don't need your stupid approval. I have everyone I need. So you can go shove your prestigious views up your hole for all I care. I don't need you. I never did." Jeongguk turns around and he storms off.

He walks into the living room and Taehyung looked up at him. He looked like he was about to cry. Taehyung stood up.


"Don't." Jeongguk pushed past Taehyung. He went upstairs and he locked himself in his room.

His mother walked into the living room and Taehyung glared at her.

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now