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A few hours had passed since Jeongguk and Taehyung's argument. Taehyung sat on the couch, he had just put Mirae to bed. He had called Tae-Seol a while ago and she was sitting beside him. He had already told her what happened to a certain extent.

"I know I fucked up. You don't have to remind me. I just want to know what can I do now?" Taehyung asks and Tae-Seol sighs.

"You need to give yourself and Jeongguk a chance to cool down. Then you apologise. Okay?" Tae-Seol says and Taehyung wipes a few tears. Now he's regretting.

"I have a feeling that it's going to be more complicated than that. This wasn't a small argument that 'sorry' fixes, Tae-Seol. I messed up bad. Like beyond fixing our relationship, bad." Taehyung says and Tae-Seol frowns.

"And what about Mirae?" She asks and Taehyung looks at the ground.

"Jeongguk will be coming tomorrow to get his stuff and he'll be taking Mirae with him," Taehyung says and Tae-Seol sighs.

"It's what I deserve. I should've just asked him what was going on." 

Jeongguk sat in a cafe and he poked the cake he had in front of him. He didn't want to eat it.

"Jeongguk?" Jeongguk looked up at the source of the voice.

"Hey, Mingyu," Jeongguk says and Mingyu frowns.

"Hey. Do you mind if I sit down?" Mingyu asks and Jeongguk smiles.

"Not at all. Have a seat." Mingyu takes a seat in front of Jeongguk.

"Listen, I just wanted to say sorry about what I said a few weeks back. It was-" Jeongguk cut him off.

"Don't apologise. You were right." Jeongguk says and Mingyu sighs.

"Trust me, I didn't want to be. I'm sorry." Mingyu says and Jeongguk looks at the table.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

"What happened?" Mingyu asks and Jeongguk scoffs.

"He accused me of cheating on him without checking his facts." Jeongguk takes a sip of the coffee he had.

"Another person who thinks I'm a whore. Great." Jeongguk says and Mingyu shakes his head in disapproval.

"What a fucking scumbag. Listen, you need something stronger than coffee." Mingyu looks at Jeongguk with a small smirk.

"Like what?" Jeongguk asks and Mingyu holds out his hand.

"Alcohol. What do you say?" Mingyu asks and Jeongguk looks at him and then his hand.

"Let's go."

**A Few Hours Later**

"Jeez. If I know you would drink this much, I wouldn't have brought you out." Mingyu says as he sits Jeongguk on the side of the footpath.

"Who am I calling?" Mingyu asks and Jeongguk shushes him.

"Shhhhh! You're being too loud." Jeongguk whisper shouts and Mingyu sighs deeply.

"How about Jaewon? Will I call him?" Mingyu asks and Jeongguk whines.

"Okay, gimme your phone." Mingyu holds his hand out and with another whine Jeongguk does as he's told. Mingyu scrolls through his contacts before stopping on Jaewon and calling him.

'Hello, Jeongguk?'
'Hello? Jaewon, this is Mingyu, I'm a friend of Jeongguk's. Truth is that he's really drunk and he needs someone to pick him up.'
'Shit, okay. Where are you?'
'The Corner Bar. Close to the college.'
'I know where that is. I'll be there in about ten minutes.'

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