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**Three Weeks Later**

Jeongguk sat on his couch and he took a deep breath. He has his first scan today and Taehyung should be picking him up in five minutes. They are going to the hospital for the dating scan and Jeongguk was a nervous wreck. Of course, he is excited to see his baby but he was nervous.

Jimin came downstairs and he sat beside Jeongguk.

"Are you excited? You're going to see them for the first time." Jimin beams as he sits beside Jeongguk.

"Yeah, I can't wait," Jeongguk says with as much enthusiasm as he could. He didn't want to kill Jimin's mood and he didn't want to worry Jimin. Thankfully for Jeongguk, he sounded convincing.

"That's great! I'm so excited for you." Jimin hugs Jeongguk and Jeongguk returns the hug.

"Have you been reading up on pregnancy?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yes. I haven't stopped reading about pregnancy since I found out." Jeongguk says and Jimin smiles.

"You're going to be a great parent," Jimin says and Jeongguk is unconvinced.

"Thanks, Jiminie." Just as Jeongguk says that there was a knock on the door. Jeongguk stands up and he answers the door.

"Hey," Jeongguk says to Taehyung who was wearing the biggest smile.

"Hey. Are you ready?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Bye Jimin." Jeongguk waves goodbye to Jimin.

"Bye!" Jimin waves back and Jeongguk closes the door. Taehyung and Jeongguk got into Taehyung's car and Jeongguk sighs. Taehyung notices that Jeongguk looked a bit tense so he decided to talk to him before leaving.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung sighs.

"Because you look very tense. Are you nervous?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk looks down.

"Maybe." He says and Taehyung smiles and he takes Jeongguk's hand.

"I promise you that there is no need to be nervous," Taehyung reassures Jeongguk and he nods.

"Thank you." Jeongguk says and Taehyung starts the car.

**At The Hospital**

Jeongguk and Taehyung sat in the waiting room. Jeongguk's leg was bouncing up and down as a sign of nervousness and Taehyung sighs.

"Be honest. What emotions are you feeling?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows.


"Just answer the question."

"Uhm, nervousness." Jeongguk responds and Taehyung nods.

"Anything else?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk shakes his head.

"Right. Do you want me to make you feel better?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Okay, first I need you to close your eyes." Jeongguk does as he's told.

"Okay, now think of something that makes you happy." Taehyung says and Jeongguk giggles.

"I feel like I'm in therapy." Jeongguk says and Taehyung laughs.

"Are you thinking of something that makes you happy?" Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

"Okay, open your eyes." Taehyung says and Jeongguk does so.

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now