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Week: 30
Date: 28th March

He left for five minutes. Five minutes! To get Jeongguk some food he'd been craving. But instead to come home to find an excited or happy Jeongguk. He came home to Jeongguk sobbing on the couch.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Taehyung embraced his boyfriend who continued to sob into his shoulder.

"Baby, tell me. What happened?" Taehyung says and Jeongguk sniffles.

"I don't know."



"You don't know?" Taehyung repeats and Jeongguk then continues to cry harder.

Now Taehyung was panicking. What the fuck was he supposed to do? His boyfriend was sobbing in his arms and he had no idea how to help him.

"I'm going to get someone who can help, okay?" Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods. Taehyung stands up and he takes out his phone.

"Hey, uhm...Jeongguk is crying and he doesn't know why-"
"I'll be there as fast as possible."

About five minutes pass and there was a knock on the door.

"Thank you," Taehyung says and Tae-Seol pushes him out of the way.

"Oh, Jeongguk." Tae-Seol walks over to Jeongguk and Taehyung scoffs.

"Hello to you too dear sister. Oh, hi Seokjin." Taehyung says and Seokjin smiles.


They walk over to Jeongguk and Tae-Seol who's helping Jeongguk.

"Okay, so I brought the whole emergency supply kit. Chocolate, pillows, hot water bottles. Does your chest hurt? Well, I have a sports bra. Anything you need I have." Tae-Seol starts helping Jeongguk out and Taehyung watches, dumbfounded.

"Should I take notes?" Taehyung asks and Tae-Seol nods.

"You two, Jinnie. Or actually, you two go. Jeongguk and I need to have 'girl talk'" Tae-Seol says as she practically pushes them out the door.

"But Jeongguk's a boy-"

"Bye!" She closes the door.

"So, I'm a girl now?" Jeongguk asks and Tae-Seol laughs.

"You are now. Okay, we're going to watch some videos, talk and eat." Tae-Seol says and Jeongguk smiles.

"I like that idea."

About an hour passes and they had given up on the videos and Tae-Seol was asking about the pregnancy and Taehyung and Seokjin arrived back.

"Shh, wait. Don't go in yet. I can hear them talking." Taehyung presses his ear against the door.

"Isn't this an invasion of privacy?" Seokjin asks and Taehyung shrugs.

"It's my house." He says and Seokjin nods.

"Okay, fair enough."

"So, Jeongguk. How do you feel generally? I mean like, yes your pregnant, you feel as if your body is trying to kill you but mentally? How does that impact you?" Tae-Seol asks and Jeongguk sighs.

"It's mentally draining. Like getting up, going to class, coming home, doing homework. I've been doing it all my life but now I just want to stay where I am. Moving is a task now." Jeongguk says with an exasperated sigh.

A few questions later, Taehyung and Seokjin were still listening. Everything was fine. The questions were fine or at least until they got weird. But hey, Tae-Seol wanted to have a child in the future so may as well ask now.

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