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Trigger warning
Mentions of depression

Shit really hits the fan here so if that makes you uncomfortable that I would advise you don't read this chapter


Jeongguk walks into the house with a small sigh. He never said that he would be gone for so long. He was hesitant to leave this morning and he didn't even send Taehyung a text. He felt like a bad boyfriend. Taehyung went out to greet Jeongguk who just came home. He ended up startling his boyfriend who quickly hid his anti-depressants behind his back.

"Hey, you're home late," Taehyung says and Jeongguk laughs nervously.

"Right, sorry. I was meant to call or text but it slipped my mind. When Mingyu and I departed, I ran into Yoongi and Hobi who treated me with dinner. You're not mad, right?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung smiles.

"Of course not." Taehyung notices something behind Jeongguk's back.

"What's that?" He gestures to the box and Jeongguk panics.

"It's nothing." Jeongguk hides it more and Taehyung slowly nods.

"Okay. Do you want to continue watching our show?" Taehyung asks, hoping not to run into another wall.

"I'm tired. I'm just gonna go to bed." Jeongguk heads upstairs.

"Okay. Great." Taehyung sighs. Jeongguk's been distancing himself from him the last few months and Taehyung hates it. He can't help but think that he's the one who's doing something wrong.

Jeongguk put his medication in the drawer in his bedside locker. He sighs as he collapses on his bed.

"Taehyung doesn't need to know. I've already burdened enough people as it is." Jeongguk curls up before closing his eyes. It was an exhausting day for him. It took a lot out of him. He found himself asleep in no time.

Taehyung entered the room to see his sleeping boyfriend. He smiled softly before walking over to him. He crouched down in front of him before frowning.

"Why won't you tell me what's up with you? You worry me when you hide yourself and your emotions." Taehyung kisses him on his forehead before climbing into bed himself.

A few weeks pass and there wasn't much improvement in the relationship between Jeongguk and Taehyung. And there wasn't much of an improvement in Jeongguk's mental state. Mostly because he hasn't touched his medication since he got them and he's been keeping to himself more.

"Jeongguk, come on. You've gotta get up." Taehyung says and Jeongguk shakes his head.

"I don't feel well," Jeongguk says and Taehyung sighs.

"Okay, I'll have mom take Mirae out of the house so you can rest." Taehyung leaves the room and Jeongguk sits up in the bed and he reaches for his bedside locker. He gets his medication and he looks at it.

"Maybe if I'd actually take these, I'd want to get out of bed." Jeongguk throws them back into the drawer before lying back down.

Taehyung heads off to class alone and before entering the classroom, he ran into Yoongi.

"Hey, Yoongi," Taehyung says with a smile.

"Hey, Taehyung. Where's Jeongguk? Is he already in the classroom?" Yoongi asks and Taehyung shakes his head.

"No, he didn't feel well so he stayed home," Taehyung says and Yoongi panics a little.

"Alone?" He asks and Taehyung nods.

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now