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Jeongguk sat on the couch in his living room. He decided to watch some videos on his laptop. He was just sitting peacefully when he felt the need to throw up so he bolted to the bathroom. After vomiting his guts up for five minutes he decides to search for his symptoms online. Not the most reliable but whatever.

He was scrolling through and he scrolled past all the 'you're dying' pages and one page caught his attention.

Am I pregnant? Pregnancy symptoms to look out for.

"I'm not pregnant. Am I?" Jeongguk looks down at his stomach.
"No, I'm being ridiculous." Jeongguk was about to scroll past but he couldn't help but click on the page.

As he scrolls down the more he got scared.
That checks off most of what he has been feeling.

It also said at the end of the article that these are also symptoms of getting sick.

"Yeah, I'm just getting sick. That's it. Nothing more. I'm not pregnant." Jeongguk attempts to reassure himself but it wasn't working.

"You know what, I'm thinking too much into this. I'll take a test and I won't be pregnant." Jeongguk stands up and he walks out of the house and he drives to the shop.

He gets out of the car and he walks into the shop.

"Now, where are the pregnancy tests?" Jeongguk mumbles to himself.

"Can I help you with something?" One of the shop assistants walks up to Jeongguk.

"Uhm, yeah. Where are the...pregnancy tests?" Jeongguk asks timidly and she smiles.

"This way." She walks left and Jeongguk follows her.

"Here you go." She stops at an aisle near the end and Jeongguk thanks her.

He picks up the first reliable test he sees and he walks up to the register.

"Is that it?" The person at the register asks and Jeongguk nods.


"$6.85." Jeongguk hands in the money.

"Thank you." Jeongguk walks out of the shop and he sits in the car. His body was frozen. He couldn't move.

"What if I am pregnant?" Jeongguk asks himself, on the verge of tears. He wanted kids but in the future. He's far too young. He doesn't know how he would be able to take care of a child. Not at his age. And with classes, it would be extremely difficult.

"I can't think about that right now," Jeongguk says as he gains enough strength to drive.

Jeongguk arrives home and he sits on the couch. He looks at the box.

"Come on Jeongguk. You're being paranoid." Jeongguk was about to stand up but his laptop started ringing.

Jaewon Wants to Video Call...

Jeongguk immediately accepts the call.

"Jeongguk!" Jaewon, Jeongguk's brother exclaims and Jeongguk smiles.

"Hey, Jae," Jeongguk says and Jaewon frowns.

"You don't seem very happy," Jaewon says and Jeongguk smiles.

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" Jeongguk says as he looks down.

"What's up? Why do you feel sad?" Jaewon asks and Jeongguk sighs.

"Not sad. Scared." Jeongguk says and Jaewon becomes even more worried.

"What happened?" He asks and Jeongguk doesn't say anything. He holds up the box that contains the test.

"Is that a pregnancy test?" Jaewon asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah...it is. I might just be sick but I said I'd try this just in case." Jeongguk says as he puts the box to the side.

"It is very rare for a male to get pregnant," Jaewon says and Jeongguk sighs.

"But it can happen."


"Do you want me to stay on call as you take the test?" Jaewon asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Please. I don't want to do this alone." Jeongguk says and Jaewon smiles.

"I'm right here. Now, go on. Get it over and done with." Jaewon says and Jeongguk takes a deep breath before grabbing the test and he walks into the bathroom. Not two minutes later he was already back sitting on the chair.

"I don't want to look. Tell me when the result shows up." Jeongguk points the test towards the laptop camera.

"What will you do if you are pregnant?" Jaewon asks and Jeongguk bites his lip.

"I...I don't know." Jeongguk says and Jaewon's heart breaks. He doesn't know if Jeongguk would be able to handle a child.

"Jeongguk...you might want to see this," Jaewon says and Jeongguk hesitantly looks at the result.

"Oh fuck," Jeongguk drops the test. There was silence for a good five minutes before Jeongguk's sobs could be heard.

"Jeongguk, don't cry." Jaewon tries to comfort Jeongguk.

"What can I do? What do I do? I'm pregnant." Jeongguk continues to cry and Jaewon frowns.

"Jeongguk, look at me," Jaewon says and Jeongguk looks at the laptop screen.

"Listen, you're Jeon Jeongguk. You're going to get through this." Jaewon says and Jeongguk takes a deep breath.

"I don't know if I can. I can handle a lot but this...I can't handle this." Jeongguk says and Jaewon sighs.

"Jeongguk, you have me behind you. I'm sure you have your friends behind you. You have loads of people here with you to support you. Anything you need and we're here." Jaewon says and Jeongguk smiles.

"I do have pretty great people to back me up, don't I?" Jeongguk says and Jaewon nods.

"We're all here for you."

"Is the father that dickwad you told me about?" Jaewon asks and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah. Kim Taehyung is the father of my child. That is growing inside of me. Oh my god...Jaewon, I'm pregnant." The thought has finally settled and now he's panicking. His breathing started to speed up and he could feel himself start to cry more.

"Jeongguk, Jeongguk. Breathe. Don't panic. Look, breathe with me." Jaewon starts taking deep breaths and Jeongguk starts copying his actions.

"Jeongguk. You are going to get through this. You are strong and you can always take any challenge life throws at you." Jaewon says and Jeongguk looks down.

"I don't know if I'm strong enough to take this challenge." Jeongguk sighs.

"You might be surprised. I'd say you're stronger than you think."


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