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"What gave you the idea to take the test anyway?" Jimin asks as he picks up the popcorn bowl from the table. They were currently in the living room and they were supposed to be watching movies but Jimin was curious about a few things. Not the Jeongguk minded.

"Well me being me I searched up my symptoms online and I came across this pregnancy article and I got curious and I clicked on it. Most of the symptoms matched up to me but I was trying to convince myself that I was sick because it said on the article that I could be sick but I was being paranoid so I went out and I bought a test to convince myself that I'm not. And would you look at how that turned out." Jeongguk says and Jimin shakes his head.

"I think you being paranoid was your body telling you that you're pregnant," Jimin says and Jeongguk nods.

"That would make sense," Jeongguk says and Jimin smiles.

"So, you're not too worried about everything?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk sighs.

"I suppose I am a little worried about what some people will say or think but for the most part I'm not worried," Jeongguk says and Jimin nods.

"That's good. And what about telling Taehyung?" Jimin then asks and Jeongguk bites his lip.

"Maybe...tomorrow. After school, I'll come home and you invite Taehyung over and I'll wait in my room. I want to be alone when I tell him. No drama." Jeongguk says and Jimin nods.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll get him over. And I'll leave so you two can be alone." Jimin says and Jeongguk nods.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea."

"And when are you going telling people that you're pregnant?" Jimin asks.

"After the first trimester," Jeongguk says and Jimin nods.

"That makes sense. So, who already knows?" Jimin asks and Jeongguk thinks.

"Me, you, Jaewon and then tomorrow Taehyung. And that's all who's going to know until I'm ready." Jeongguk says and Jimin smiles.

"That's fine. Don't rush. You have nine months." Jimin jokes and Jeongguk laughs.

"Nine months. It's going to feel like a lifetime."

**After School The Next Day**

"Okay, you go home and I'll get Taehyung," Jimin says and Jeongguk was about to leave when Jimin hugged him.

"No matter what I'm here for you," Jimin says and Jeongguk nods.

"I know. Thank you." And with that, Jeongguk headed home and Jimin looked for Taehyung.

Jeongguk got home and he immediately went up to his room. He laid on his bed and he rested his hands on his stomach. He had been holding his stomach all day. No one noticed but Jeongguk did. He was self-conscious about it. He didn't want anyone else to realise that he was pregnant even though it was near impossible.

"What do you think about this situation? What do you think your father will think? Do you think he'll hate me? This stress isn't good for you and I'm sorry. But it's not going to get any better anytime soon. But I promise I'll try for you to take a break every time I can. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. At least I won't be completely alone when telling him, I'll have you. I suppose I'll never be alone. And neither will you. That I promise you." Jeongguk says to the little being inside of him. He was about to continue talking when he heard the door opening. He shot up on his bed, still holding his stomach.

Downstairs Jimin was trying to convince Taehyung to go up to Jeongguk.

"But he doesn't want to see me. I fucked up. Why would he want to see me?" Taehyung says and Jimin sighs.

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