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**2 Months Later**


That's the only thing that the two new parents are feeling.

Sleep is a rare thing in the house at the moment so when there's sleep, it's treasured.

Jeongguk was currently sitting on the couch with his daughter on his lap and the TV on. He was trying his best not to drop off to sleep but it was extremely hard not to. The only thing he could think about was sleep. Just as Jeongguk was about to crash, his boyfriend walked in.

"Jeonggukie?" Taehyung sits beside him and almost immediately Mirae was placed on his lap.

"Shhhh. I'm sleeping." Jeongguk lays down on the couch and Taehyung smiles.

"I was going to run to the store to grab some things. We're low on a few things," Taehyung says and Jeongguk sighs heavily.

"Just bring her with you," Jeongguk mumbles into the cushion and his boyfriend laughs.

He gets their daughter strapped up in the stroller and just before they leave, Taehyung goes over to Jeongguk.

"We'll be back soon, okay baby?" Taehyung crouches down in front of Jeongguk.

"Mhm, take your time." Jeongguk barely opens his eyes. Taehyung kisses Jeongguk before standing up.

"Love you," Jeongguk says before closing his eyes again.

"Love you too, baby." And with that Taehyung left with Mirae.

After about an hour of sleeping, Jeongguk felt his phone buzz so he checked it.

Baby Daddy ❤️: We'll be home in about an hour. Mirae and I decided to take a spin to town so you could sleep. I love you and I'll see you soon ❤️

Jeongguk smiles before closing his eyes again but his nap was cut short after half an hour.

There was a knock on the door and Jeongguk groans loudly before standing up and answering it.

"Hello?" Jeongguk answered the door to see his best friend from high school there.


"Jeongguk!" His old best friend pulls him into a hug to which he returns.

"It's been so long," Jeongguk says before inviting her in.

"How've you been?" Jeongguk asks and Eun-young shrugs.

"Eh. Okay, I suppose. I just broke up with my slag of a girlfriend but she had it coming. She was only with me for her image." She says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"What a bitch," Jeongguk says and his best friend laughs.

"Tell me about it. Anyway, how's life been treating you?" She asks and Jeongguk blows out a long and amused sigh.

"There are mixed feelings from life currently. But as of right now, good. Great, actually." Jeongguk says with a smile.

"Oh really? How so?"

"Well, I have a boyfriend. I have since January." Jeongguk says and Eun-young nearly chokes.

"What?! Show me a photo." She says and Jeongguk unlocks his phone.


"Holy shit! You scored nicely. He's hot." She says and Jeongguk nudges her.

"Yeah, I did." Jeongguk puts an emphasis on the 'I'.

"Yeah, yeah. I could probably steal him." Eun-young jokes but Jeongguk just laughs.

"I highly doubt it."

"Oh really? You think I don't got it anymore?"

Then the front door opens. Jeongguk's eyes light up before running out to the hall to greet his boyfriend and daughter. Eun-young follows him.

Jeongguk throws his arms around Taehyung, nearly knocking him over. After they pull out of the hug Taehyung looks at Eun-young.

"Taehyungie, this is Eun-young, my best friend from high school," Jeongguk says and Taehyung smiles at her.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

Jeongguk took Mirae out of the buggy and Eun-young furrows her eyebrows.

"Who's this cutie? Is she your niece or cousin or something?" Eun-young asks and Jeongguk shakes his head.

"This is our daughter," Jeongguk says and Eun-young nearly collapses.

"Your what now?" She asks and Jeongguk smiles.

"Our daughter. Jeon-Kim Mirae." Jeongguk says and Eun-sung stands there with her mouth open.

"You'll catch flies. Close your mouth." Jeongguk says before sitting down in his living room to feed his daughter.

"What? How? When?" She follows him into the living room.

"Jeongguk, I'm gonna take a quick nap," Taehyung says before heading upstairs.

"Whatever questions you have, ask."

"How old is she?" Eun-sung asks and Jeongguk smiles.

"Two months last Thursday."

"How?" Was all she could ask.

"At your age, I thought you knew where babies come from." Jeongguk teases and she just rolls her eyes.

"You know what I mean. You were all goodie two shoes and now, if my math is correct, you two got together four months after you got pregnant." Eun-sung points out and Jeonguk nods.

"Yup. It was night, Jimin was hosting a party, he stumbled in my room, we both had crushes on each other, emotions cloud judgement and poof suddenly I'm on a call with my brother sobbing over a pregnancy test." Jeongguk says and Eun-sung frowns.

"Sounds tough." She says and Jeongguk nods.

"It was...still is sometimes but I have Taehyung so I'm fine," Jeongguk says as he looks down at his daughter.

"And how did bitch take it?" She asks and Jeongguk laughs softly.

"As expected. Suddenly I'm a whore and my hobbies include sleeping around and ruining my future." Jeongguk says and Eun-sung scoffs.

"I still don't like her." Eun-sung shrugs and Jeongguk nods.

"Same here. Oh, do you want to hold her?" Jeongguk asks and she nods straight away. Jeongguk hands Mirae to her.

"Wow! She's so light. And she's stunning. You're so lucky." Eun-sung says and Jeongguk smiles.

"You have no idea. My life has changed so much this past year. More than I could ever have imagined."

"I bet it's a good change though. I mean, you're not having another breakdown in your bathtub." Eun-sung says and Jeongguk laughs.

"Yet. Give it time."

After another hour of them talking, Eun-sung decided to leave. It's coming up to Mirae's bed time and she didn't want to be disrupting that. So they bid their goodbyes and off to bed Jeongguk and Mirae went.

Jeongguk cuddles into his boyfriend who wraps his arms around him.

"I love you." Taehyung mumbles and Jeongguk smiles.

"I love you too."

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