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Week: 10
Date: November 8th

"You ready?" Taehyung smiles at Jeongguk who was in the passenger seat beside him.

"I guess." Jeongguk looks at his stomach.

"Is something wrong?" Taehyung asks as he pulls up at Tae-Seol's dorm.

"Just a bit nervous." Jeongguk mumbles and Taehyung frowns.

"Is it about meeting my mother? Because if it is, trust me when I say that she will love you more than she loves me." Taehyung says and Jeongguk giggles.

"That's not the reason," Jeongguk says and Taehyung nods. He knew that it was about Jeongguk's family.

"Is it about you telling your family?" Taehyung asks and before Jeongguk could answer, the backseat car door opened.

"Hey, Taehyung. Hey, Jeongguk." Tae-Seol gets into the car.

"Hey, Tae-Seol." Both Taehyung and Jeongguk say and Taehyung starts driving.

The drive to Taehyung's house shouldn't have been too hard. It was only an hour drive but with Taehyung and Tae-Seol bickering for most of the ride, it wasn't a pleasant ride for Jeongguk.

With forty-five minutes of bickering, Jeongguk has had enough. He was leaning against the door with his left hand massaging his left temple. He shot up from his position, startling Taehyung and Tae-Seol. He glares at both of them.

"Could you two stop bickering for five minutes!" Jeongguk snaps before leaning against the door again and he closes his eyes.

Taehyung focuses on the road but he was shocked by Jeongguk's sudden outburst. Tae-Seol stared at Jeongguk with wide eyes. Both of them stayed silent for the rest of the ride, too scared to say anything.

They arrive at Taehyung's and Tae-Seol's childhood home. Tae-Seol immediately gets out and Taehyung stops Jeongguk.

"You good? I'm sorry about Tae-Seol and me." Taehyung says and Jeongguk looks down with a pout.

"I should be the one saying sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that," Jeongguk says and Taehyung smiles softly.

"It's okay. You have a reason for that. So, I don't mind." Taehyung says and Jeongguk looks up at Taehyung.

"Really?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"Now, are you ready to meet my mother?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk smiles.

"I am," Jeongguk says and Taehyung laughs. Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows.

"You have no idea what's coming," Taehyung says as he gets out of the car. Jeongguk just smiles as he gets out of the car.

They walk into the house and they are hit with the smell of food.

"Oh my god, that smells amazing," Jeongguk says and a woman walks out of the kitchen.

"You think so? I was never really a cooking person but I did my best." The woman smiles at Jeongguk.

"Mom. You're an amazing cook. Stop it." Taehyung says and he hugs his mother.

"It's great to see you again, Taehyung." His mother says and she pulls out of the hug. She then smiles at Jeongguk again.

"And it's lovely to meet you..."

"Jeongguk." Jeongguk sticks out his hand for her to take.

"You can call me Hye-sung." She says as she shakes his hand.

"It's lovely to meet you too."

"Okay, enough with the yip-yapping. I'm starving." Tae-Seol calls out from the kitchen and Hye-sung shakes her head.

"Come on. You can set the table for me." Hye-sung heads out to the kitchen with Jeongguk and Taehyung following.

Taehyung and Jeongguk start setting the table and Hye-sung stops Jeongguk.

"You're the guest. Why don't you sit down and let Taehyung set the table? Like the gentleman he is." Hye-sung glares at Taehyung and Taehyung rolls his eyes.

Taehyung set the table and helped around the kitchen as Jeongguk and Hye-sung chatted. Taehyung was happy to see the two get along. He felt relieved. And soon enough, the dinner was done and everyone was sitting down.

"Wow, this looks so good." Jeongguk complements and Hye-sung thanks him.

They all start eating and conversations between the four of them begin. Just random things to get to know each other better. From the moment Jeongguk stepped into the house he didn't feel awkward or nervous. The atmosphere felt calming and warm. Like home. Taehyung could see that Jeongguk's nerves had died down and he felt relieved.

"I swear, I am never cooking. Last time I tried to cook I nearly burned Seokjin's kitchen." Tae-Seol finishes her point and her mother smiles.

"Who's Seokjin?" Hye-sung asks and Tae-Seol rolls her eyes.

"I didn't really think it mattered but he's my boyfriend," Tae-Seol mutters and Taehyung's eyes go wide.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" He says and Tae-Seol sighs.

"But you were so busy I didn't want to distract you."

"Busy with what? Classes? You're not over-working yourself again? Are you?" Hye-sung looks worriedly at Taehyung who shakes his head.

"No, I've been busy with something else." Taehyung glances at Jeongguk.

"Does it have something to do with why you move in with Jeongguk?" His mother asks and Taehyung nods.

"Is everything okay? You seem very hesitant." Hye-sung looks at Taehyung who looks at Jeongguk. Jeongguk gives Taehyung a small smile and nod before Taehyung looks at his mother again.

"Jeongguk's pregnant. With our baby." Taehyung says and Hye-sung was taken aback.

"Pregnant? What? Are both of you together?" She asks and they both frantically shake their heads.

"No, we're not together. But we are taking care of this child together." Taehyung says and Hye-sung nods.

"And you're both happy?" She asks and they both smile and nod.

"Then I'm happy." Hye-sung smiles widely and Taehyung sighs in relief.

"I'm going to be a grandmother! Oh my god! This is actually exciting! Awh, I can't wait!" Hye-sung rambles and Taehyung laughs.

"You're gonna be an amazing grandmother." Taehyung complements and Hye-sung smiles.

"I can't believe you're going to be a father." She brings her hand to her mouth.

"And Jeongguk. He's treating you well I hope?" Hye-sung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"He's a great help for me," Jeongguk says and Hye-sung nods.

"Good. I am happy for both of you but how did this happen?" She asks and before Taehyung or Jeongguk could speak, Tae-Seol cut in.

"Actually, mother its quite a story. If Jeongguk doesn't mind me telling it?" Tae-Seol looks over at Jeongguk who gestures for her to keep going.

"Tae-Seol, mom doesn't need to know." Taehyung tries to convince Tae-Seol otherwise but Tae-Seol just smirks before beginning.

"Well, you see one of our friends had a party there a couple of months ago and your son decided to seduce this poor unsuspecting boy just to leave before he woke up the next morning," Tae-Seol says and Hye-sung looks at Tae-Seol blankly before turning to face Taehyung. It was silent for a minute before Hye-sung spoke up.

"Kim Taehyung!" Hye-sung yells and Taehyung closed his eyes in preparation for this.

"Did you leave this poor boy the morning after you slept with him?" Hye-sung asks and Taehyung nods. Hye-sung glares at him before looking to Jeongguk with a soft expression.

"I raised you better than that! We'll talk about this when you come to visit alone," Hye-sung says which sends a shiver down his spine. Guess who he's bringing next time he's visiting?

"Anyway, who's ready for dessert?"

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