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Jeongguk groans as he sits up in his bed. He yawns as he stands up and he walks into his bathroom. He discards of his clothes before stepping into his shower. He washes away and disconcerting thoughts for now and he relaxes. He needs it before the party later. He gets out and he ties a towel around his waist and he brushes his teeth before doing his usual skin routine.

He leaves the bathroom and he changes into something comfortable before heading downstairs. Jeongguk walks into the kitchen and he starts making pancakes as he was craving something sweet. He made sure to make some extra batter for Jimin.

He creates a small stack for himself and he pours maple syrup over it before adding a few blueberries and strawberries for aesthetic.

Just as he was about to start eating Jimin came home.

"Jeongguk! Are you awake?" Jimin yells and Jeongguk smiles.

"In the kitchen Jiminie!" Jeongguk calls back and Jimin arrives in the kitchen with Namjoon. 

"Good morning," Jeongguk says and Jimin laughs.

"Good afternoon to you too," Jimin says and Jeongguk's eyes widen.

"What time is it?" Jeongguk asks and Namjoon checks his phone.

"Just past half past three," Namjoon says and Jeongguk groans.

"Fuck," Jeongguk mutters.

"What's up with you?" Jimin asks as he starts doing pancakes for himself and Namjoon.

"I stayed up really late talking to Mingyu." Jeongguk takes a bite from his pancakes.

"As in the Mingyu, that's painfully in love with you?" Jimin sits down beside Namjoon.

"He's not. We're only friends and he knows that." Jeongguk says and Jimin scoffs.

"I didn't realise that with the way he stares at you with pure love as his stares completely go over your head," Jimin says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Shut up Jimin. He doesn't feel that way. No one does. I don't know why they would." Jeongguk stands up to wash his plate and Jimin walks up behind him and he slaps the back of Jeongguk's head.

"Don't say that. You're an amazing, nice and not to mention fucking stunning human being. You're hard working. You're selfless. You're something everyone looks for in a partner. So, don't put yourself down like that." Jimin says and Jeongguk frowns.

"Not everyone."

"Everyone who has brain cells and eyes," Jimin says and Jeongguk smiles.

"Thanks, Jiminie." 

Jimin smiles before sitting beside his boyfriend again and Jeongguk washes his plate. He turns around to see Jimin and Namjoon kissing.

"Ah! I don't want to see that!" Jeongguk throws a towel at them.

"Hey! Just because you're single." Jimin whines and Jeongguk shrugs.

"Do you want me to help set up or not?" Jeongguk says before grabbing a bag and leaving the room.

"Is he always that hard on himself?" Namjoon asks and Jimin sighs and nods.

"He doesn't have a lot of confidence. And it hurts me to think he's in that kind of pain and I can't do anything. I could set him and Taehyung up but I don't know...I mean Taehyung and relationships are not something you hear about a lot and when you do, it's over in a week. And poor Jeongguk hasn't been in a relationship since high school and he won't tell me what happened exactly but all I know is that it ended badly. So, neither of them have had good experiences with relationships. I just can't see them working out." Jimin leans on Namjoon's shoulder.

"What if you tried to set him up with Mingyu? It would keep his mind off of Taehyung." Namjoon says and Jimin nods.

"I mean yeah but what about Taehyung then? He would be infuriated. But he himself can't hold a relationship." Jimin complains and Namjoon smiles.

"How about we just let fate play out?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Now, we should help Jeongguk before he throws a shoe at us next." Jimin stands up and Namjoon laughs.

"You sound like you're speaking from personal experience." Namjoon jokes and Jimin laughs nervously.



"That's a story for another day. All you need to know is that I deserved it." Jimin starts getting the kitchen ready.

"Fair enough."

Jeongguk, Jimin and Namjoon set up the house for the party starting in a few hours. Once they were done they sat down on the couch.

"What time does it start at?" Jeongguk asks so he knows when to hide in his room for the rest of the night.

"Nine. So in two hours. I should get changed." Jimin stands up.

"I'll head back and get changed as well. I'll see you at the party." Namjoon kisses Jimin before heading out.

"Awwwh. How cute!" Jeongguk dramatically exclaims and Jimin glares at him.

"Shut up. Your single ass is just jealous." Jimin scoffs and Jeongguk shrugs.

"I'm not jealous. I have freedom. I'm not lonely whatsoever." Jeongguk says and Jimin laughs.

"Sure. Maybe I'll set you up with your dear friend Mingyu." Jimin says and Jeongguk stands up which is Jimin's signal to run.

"Hey! Get your short ass back here!" Jeongguk takes off after Jimin.

"Fuck you Jeon!" Jimin closes and locks his room door.

"Nah, you go fuck Namjoon."

"You bastard."

Jimin opens the door but before he could attack Jeongguk, said male had already tackled Jimin to the bed. Both of them laughed.

"Ha, I win." Jeongguk goes to leave the room.

"No fair. You were waiting for me to open the door." Jimin whines and Jeongguk laughs.

"That's the point. That's how I won. Like I always do." Jeongguk states and Jimin crosses his arms.

"Cheater." Jimin pouts and Jeongguk smiles.

"You'll get me one of these days Jiminie." Jeongguk says and Jimin rolls his eyes.

"You can bet your ass I will." Jimin says and Jeongguk gasps dramatically.

"I would never bet my ass on that! You would never have something so nice. You could only wish." Jeongguk smirks and Jimin groans.

"You're so annoying!" Jimin exclaims and Jeongguk laughs.

"Only to you Jiminie." Jeongguk says and Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Of course."

Happy Accidents {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now