Chapter 1: Gatherings

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Somewhere around the forest lies ahead of two most common enemies, where the rest of the leaf shinobi are under the investigation of Madara and Kabuto. They eventually found out that the two of them had released the dead bodies of the Akatsuki and had resurrected them. However, none of them were certain of the fact that they are able to track them down. Mitarashi started to wonder if Kabuto was intentionally trying to lead her and the rest of the squad to Madara's base. Instead, she informed the others to retreat and remind everyone about the threat that will inflict upon them.

During that time, Naruto has been visiting the Paradise Island to gather information from the Great Frog Sage's prophecy where he will encounter an octopus. Then, he teleported back on his own spot at the Ramen place until two of the leaf jounin were asking for his autograph after he became famous for saving the leaf village.

Meanwhile, the Five Kage were in a conference meeting at the Hidden Cloud, discussing about their plans for the upcoming war. They were all surprised and glad that Tsunade's recovery had healed quickly, yet Onoki suddenly pointed out that she needs to go for early retirement. How ironic that he himself is old as well.

"Alright, everyone. Quiet down. Let's all focus on the issue at hand," Mifune cleared his throat for them to draw their attention on him. "As you all know, the Eight and Nine-Tail's hosts are in danger."

"According to one of my teams, they've recently discovered the enemy's location, however, it seems that it may be an ambush," Tsunade explained sternly.

"My team did the same thing as well and we need to share everything that we know to the whole country," Raikage A suggested.

"Then, we got to form an alliance," Mei pointed out.

"Fine by me. The question is, where should we hide the jinchurikis?" Onoki asked logically.

"What?!" Tsunade questioned in confusion. "But their strength are the only ones we can count on. Why put them in a hiding place?"

"That's what I thought. Unfortunately, the enemy's target is on them. We cannot allow those two to be captured and we've already made that decision," Onoki explained.

"Are you serious right now?! Madara Uchiha is alive and not having Naruto and Killer Bee is basically not standing on a chance of winning the battle," Tsunade protested back strongly.

"Lady Hokage, protecting them from war is the only way. Therefore, we must decide on who agrees on the choice," Gaara said calmly with his hands folded.

"Bah. How would you know? You're a kid. Naruto-" Tsunade didn't get to finish her sentence.

"I know him very well. He sacrifices himself for the sake of his friends," the red-haired Kazekage said quietly.

"Alright. So everyone, we all agreed to be part of the Shinobi Alliance and this will help us win if we continue to fight and protect each other," Mifune instructed firmly.

"Now, we're all settled then," Raikage A said smirking as the others nodded in understanding.

For the time being, Naruto and his group had meet up with Killer Bee and moved onto their training. When he arrives down by the Waterfall of Truth, he began to battle with his dark side of him that left a huge mark on his history.

He knew that he has the same techniques as him when it comes to fighting, whether physical or ninjutsu combat. He wondered to himself if Killer Bee had faced his other half in which, of course, he did. Although, Naruto's past had been tragic and lonely because of the way everyone is perceiving him as a threat or a monster. He never thought that somewhere in his heart that he has hatred and anger. He had felt a long time. But he decided not to be fully consumed by what had happened. He believed that he could change what was part of him, even if he cannot change the past. That was all that he ever did and that was to accept, love, and forgive himself.

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