Chapter 18: Linkage

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Sakura blinked a few times to see the creature clearly in its own form. She walked towards it and slowly raised her hand to touch its beak. She caressed it gently, which made a soft growl in response to her kindness. Then, the creature gave her a curt nod as a way to exchange for its own power. The pink chakra began to circle around the pink-haired kunoichi's body that was immensely absorbing every particle within her from head to toe. She gasped out for breath when her eyes started to flutter open calmly. Her bright green eyes became rose gold, which turned into fierce and persistence.

Katsumi became dumbfounded and confused at the same time. "Huh?! What just happened?"

Sakura's lips curved into a smirk when she flexed both of her arms out that crumbled the walls of the barrier, making an electrifying damage buzzes on the ground noisily.

The brunette gasped in shock as she stepped back nervously at her sudden outburst, whereas the pink-haired kunoichi took a few more steps and began to charge with her tight fist attempting to pummel straight through her face.

But Katsumi defended herself by dropping a purple smoking powder to disappear. Sakura narrowed her eyes and looked around, though her enemy is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is she?" She asked herself attentively.

"No idea... But we must not lose our guard," her inner self noted firmly.

Suddenly, Katsumi pushed Sakura down aggressively with her hands as they both rolled over twice until she tried to slice her neck with her katana sword. The pink-haired kunoichi immediately reacted to this when she protected herself using the kunai knife she was holding with her right arm being raised. The two of them gritted their teeth and gave glares at each other with a slight grimace of indignation. Then, the pink-haired kunoichi kicked her foot hard upfront on her abdomen, which made the brunette flinched out a little, but smirked maliciously.

Sakura's eyes widened in shock when Katsumi gripped her katana sword tightly and stabbed her in the middle of her stomach. The pink-haired kunoichi coughed up blood and disappeared in a puff of smoke, much to the brunette's puzzlement.

"What?! How could this be-" Katsumi questioned in anger until she felt an arm swung right across her back shoulders. "Ahh!"

The brunette didn't have time to turn around since Sakura flashed so quickly right before her eyes when she got punched underneath the chin that caused her to fly back farther away from her in the distance.

"Chhhaaaaa!" The pink-haired kunoichi exclaimed when she made a punch that cracked the ground, giving a trembling quake.

Katsumi bolted upright and made a quick charge at her, attempting to attack her physically in combat with her punches and kicks.

Sakura kept dodging her attacks and twirled over the right side to smash her with her right heel of her foot, but missed out when the brunette jumped back again.

"You really think you can just defeat me using your human power strength?! I must say, you did me quite a favor," Katsumi said smiling menacingly when she performed the hand signs and placed her hands down on the ground with her eyes closed. "Summoning... Black Serpents."

The pink-haired kunoichi stood frozen on her spot when the snakes came out of the ground, slithering back and forth to bite onto her ankles. She flashed out and stood upon the huge rock, panting breathlessly.

The snakes went on Katsumi's sides as they continued to hiss in which she started to laugh sadistically with her eyes turning purple. "Ah... This is just the beginning. In fact, I quite enjoy taking over the powers of these forbidden scrolls."

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