Chapter 15: The Truth

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Gaara didn't know how to react, so he repeated again with a question. His facial expression went blank and asks. "My... my mother loved me...?"

Raka gazed down melancholy at the thought of her.

"But back then, when Yashamaru was after me..." the red-haired Kazekage stammered in perplexity as his eyes furrowed.

"I ordered Yashamaru to lie to you. I had to find out if the One-Tailed beast inside of you still had the capacity to berserk out of control. For the sake of the entire village. The person that Yashamaru hated wasn't you. Because I was the one who placed Shukaku of the Sand into you while you were still in his sister's womb. But Yashamaru was a ninja. He was my right arm as part of the Hidden Sand's ANBU. He followed my orders exactly as I gave them," Raka explained sincerely and continued on. "I also requested the third Hokage to give Sakura's parents a mission and make them leave out of our village, so they don't put themselves into danger because of you. And because Shukaku lives inside of you. I didn't want you to become happy with your dearest friend, Sakura, because I thought that if you two had a bond together, you will end up becoming weak..."

"Why...? After all this time..." Gaara questioned with his eyes full of pain while staring at his father.

"Because I was selfish. I was too caught up with my own desires. I didn't care about you and neither are your siblings at that time. I know. I put you through so many hardships in your life and it led you to the path of darkness when you were a kid. I destroyed the friendship that you and Sakura had. It was a mistake. It seems as though everything I did was a mistake. You ended up having to carry all kinds of excessive burdens and I decided all the choices for you. I stole your existence as a jinchuriki. I stole your feelings for your mother, Yashamaru, and of course... Sakura. I took away all of your connections with anyone you were so close with. Mostly, I would have taken away your life. Now, the only thing associated with them are the wounds in your heart," Raka explained further in remorse.


"Physical and emotional scars are a bit different... Unlike ones, there's no ointment available for emotional ones... and pain may never go away... But there is only one thing that can stop such a heartache. However, as inconvenient as it may seem, this cure can only be given by people other than yourself."

"What is it?" Gaara asked wondering what has brought him into light.

"It's love," Yashamaru exclaimed. Gaara's eyes got widened all of a sudden.

"Love?" He questioned again.

"Yes," Yashamaru nodded and smiled at him.

"H-how can I receive that?" He asked, frowning.

"Gaara, you're already receiving it."

"Huh?" He did not understand what he's saying.

"Love is... a heart's desire you feel for the precious ones around you, like the feeling my sister and your friend had for you and I believed they loved you very much. The sand Shukaku is primarily a living spirit specialized in attacks. It's automatic perfect defense is a proof of material affection. Your mother's will remain in the sand to protect you. Even after death, you wanted to be there for... Gaara."



She slowly began to look at him as she cupped both sides of his cheeks with her tears streaming down her face, saying. "I will never betray our friendship. You want to know why I still kept your sand bracelet that you've given me back then?"

Gaara's eyes went wide, remembering the times where they were together. Then, he was waiting for her to respond.

"Because you are my best friend and you mean so much to me... that's how much I love you, Gaara," she concluded happily with a smile that stunned the others in amazement and shock. None of them said a word, now that they've gone totally speechless. Everything that Sakura confessed was deeply honest and sincere.



That was the moment in time where he finally had his eyes opened to see the new light he was in. He looked behind him and noticed Naruto smiling at him, whereas Sakura was embracing him with her arms wrapped securely around him. Right after he came back to life from the tailed-beast extraction.



When the pink-haired kunoichi was standing near the deck railing at the top of the Hokage Tower, she glanced quickly at her best friend behind her back.

"Hey, Gaara..." she called out softly.

"Hmm," he replied back with a blank expression on his face.

Sakura slowly closed her eyes and smiled genuinely with a giggle. "Just remember... I'm always here for you, right?"

The red-haired Kazekage paused for a moment and nodded back with a smirk. "Of course."

The pink-haired kunoichi smiled so brightly that the sun was hitting across her figure, which amazed at how beautiful she is.



"Never forget that, Gaara...." Yashamaru whispered and smiled warmly as he placed his hand upon his chest where his heart was beating.

The young red-haired kid nodded silently with his eyes glistening in tears.


In the present time, the red-haired Kazekage started to break down suddenly with his arm covering his face. He started to remember what Yashamaru and his mother had done for him and he couldn't be more grateful that his family truly loved him.

Raka took a notice and felt saddened when he was reflecting upon the things they went through.

"Gaara. Your mother was truly strong. Even in her death, she continues to believe in you and protect you. That's what helped you where you are today. Now that you've become Kazekage and you've made real friends. You have real connections with people. But I, your father, never did a good thing for you. No... I couldn't even call myself your father..." Raka said regretfully.

The red-haired Kazekage was slowly wiping every tear he shed. For such a long time in his life, he realized all of his wounds have finally healed. 

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