Chapter 27: The Shocking Revelation

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How is everyone doing in quarantine so far? I know COVID-19 really steals so many precious moments for this year's 2020. For some reason, I think it is for the benefit of everyone in the world today. Most likely, I'm able to focus on writing stories and getting them done ASAP.

Anyway, please read & review!

Gaara halted at the moment of arriving down the circular bottom pit. He was standing and glancing around slowly.

Then, he noticed a hand lying on the crumbled rocks from a few metres away and hurried himself over to see the figure.

In just about ten seconds, his face became horrified when his eyes started to widen at the sight of the lifeless body of his dearest friend.

There, he saw her hair displayed out with blood dripped in the corner of her mouth.

The red-haired Kazekage was standing traumatized and his breathing became shallow. He started to shiver as he was walking towards her uneasily, calling out her name.

"Sakura..." He bent on his knees until his eyes were examining the severe wounds that afflicted upon her chest and stomach. He sat down and gently lifted her body, then cupped her cheeks. Closing his eyes, he placed his head on the side of her neck, remembering the times they fought and argued.


"You really want to go fight the Akatsuki? Do you know how dangerous they are? You and the leaf squad need to understand the circumstances," the red-haired Kazekage reasoned out.

"I don't care!" The pink-haired kunoichi said out loud, much to his bewilderment and she continued on. "What if this is the kind of path that we've chosen? For once in your life, just hear me out."

"I did. If you want to go, then go as you wish," the red-haired Kazekage gestured his hand out to the door.

"Fine!" The pink-haired kunoichi said vehemently and exited the room as she covered her eyes with her hands and sob quietly.

Gaara watched her run out of the office and felt downhearted. He thought in his mind that it was for the better of her safety and protection that she needed. He wasn't afraid of Sakura wanting to battle the Akatsuki. In fact, he was very much afraid of more.



The pink-haired kunoichi was constantly giggling and avoiding Lee tickling her sides. She dodged them until she retaliated back at him.

Kankuro and Temari were watching them tease each other at the balcony in awe while they were talking about them at their lunch table.

"He seems to really like her," the purple-faced ninja smirked.

"Hm. Obviously. I mean these two have been friends since their Ninja Academy school," the four ponytail-haired kunoichi pointed out, then she took a bite of the romaine lettuce from her plate.

Katsumi rolled her eyes at them and smirked sarcastically. "I would definitely agree. They look better as a beastly couple. Right, Gaara?" She turned on her right side to look at him, but he was staring at them off into space, much to her confusion and annoyance.

She then snapped her finger in front of his face, alerting him back to reality.

Clearing his throat, Gaara was blinking his eyes a few times and said. "Yes. You are right..."

Both of his siblings were shaking their heads at them silently and puffed out in wearisome.

"Whatever you guys say," Kankuro commented, cracking a fake smile and trying to hide his anger.

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