Chapter 30: Survivor

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The rest of the Team Hawk met up with Sasuke and informed him about Madara being alive, much to his astonishment. This also includes the Ten-Tails in which Naruto, Killerbee, and the two leaf jounins have been fighting. However, the mask broke into half after they attempted to strike him. They were befuddled at the man with the right side of his distorted face.

"Is that you?" Kakashi asked and continued on in disbelief. "No... You can't be. I thought you were-"

"Dead? Hah... Oh please, Kakashi. You're getting old," he scoffed.

"How did you manage to survive? After all this time," Kakashi asked, further narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"Madara," he answered simply with a smirk coolly. "He saved me and I couldn't be more grateful. I was on the verge of death at that time and he found me unconscious. He showed me everything that I needed. Everything. Now with the powers I have, I shall kill you for murdering Rin because I still haven't forgiven you for that. I hold no interest in the affairs of this world that's about to disappear."

"Shit... So these two did have a bad history," Naruto looked at his sensei in the corner of his eyes, bewildered and clenched his teeth in annoyance. "But this is no time to feel guilty, Kakashi-sensei! I'll listen to what you have to say later!"

"He's right. We can't lose focus. Listen, Obito. Whatever it is, we will stop you," Guy declared determinedly.

"I have nothing to say to you, people. Die chained to this reality!" Obito exclaimed as he used his Rinnegan to unleash his technique. "Chaotic Dance of the Exploding Winds!"

All of a sudden, an enormous flames was spiraling immensely towards them. However, Naruto was able to deflect his attack with his Nine-Tails' chakra until the fire subsided.

Then, a manly figure with huge spiky hair appeared in front of them.

"What the-?!" Guy became astonished and puzzled.

"You seem to be having a lot of fun, Obito," the Uchiha guessed correctly.

"That guy is..." Naruto stuttered nervously when he realized the familiar face.

"That's Madara!" Kakashi and Guy pointed out.

"Hm. To think you could resist Edo Tensei, I guess that is to be expected from you," Obito said impressively while staring at him on the left side.

"Why...? Why is the Madara that was supposed to be over there here?!" Naruto questioned furiously.

"Madara... As in that Madara?!" Kakashi repeated suspiciously.

"It appears this one is a Shadow clone too. Obito, where is the real body?" Madara asked calmly.

"Oi. Naruto, if that's the case, then..." Killerbee trailed off of his words without finishing his sentence.

"What happened to everyone over there?!" The blonde-haired ninja questioned vehemently.

"Over there...?" Madara looked over his shoulder pretensely.

"I'm asking what you did to them?!!" Naruto interrogated aggressively.

Madara answered slowly with a wicked smirk in amusement. "I wonder... I guess they're not doing so well..."

Naruto's eyes widened in fear and became more angrier with a growl, asking. "Then, what... what about Sakura?! What did you do to her?"

"I never did such a thing," Madara said dumbfounded.

"Don't bullshit me! You all did something, so tell me!" Naruto demanded.

Madara was still smirking at him and answered again. "One of our companions. She is such a useful pawn in our group."

"Wha-what do you mean 'she?'" Naruto asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Ah. So you didn't know yet. My, my. Tobi, I thought you already told them about Katsumi," Madara said, glancing at him peculiarly.

"What?!" Naruto became even more skeptical and narrowed his eyes. "Don't tell me she-"

"Oh yes, kid. That's right. She killed her through her heart and stomach just like that," Madara said, nodding truthfully and started to chuckle darkly.

"You bastards!!!! I swear, I will kill you both!!" Naruto gritted his teeth, continuously glaring at them.

"Go ahead and try," Madara said daringly as they both prepared themselves into another fight.

When it was evening, Ino and the medical shinobi gathered around in the circle to display delicate flowers around the pink-haired kunoichi's burial in the underground. They prayed for her to rest with their eyes closed, then they proceeded to their work a couple of minutes later.


"Katsumi was the one who took her powers, which caused her to gradually weaken," Ino stammered, then started to fume.

"Then, the only way to revive Sakura is what? Extract the powers from Katsumi?" Kiba asked curiously.

"How? We barely have enough equipment or chakra," Choji pointed out with an anxious frown.

"We can ask Lady Chiyo if she can give us the Life Transfer technique," Sai suggested and continued on. "Unfortunately, it's impossible to do that."

"Yeah, we figured," Ino said, nodding in agreement.

"So then, the only option is for one of us to confront Katsumi," Shino said.

"Certainly, because she needs to pay for what she did to our friend," Tenten said boldly.

"Okay, I'll go meet up with Gaara and his siblings. They have her," Ino said, sighing out tiredly.

"Alright, remind us if you need help," Sai noted.

"I will," she stated and then left quickly once she started to make a run.

"Be careful out there!" Hinata said concernedly.


Back in the present time, the blonde-haired kunoichi was inside in another tent, making more antidotes and inserting them into the needles before she started to heal the unconscious patient lying on the bed. She was debating whether she should tell the red-haired Kazekage about Katsumi or let the leaf squad stop her wrongdoings. As of now, she doesn't have any clue as to what she needs to do. If only she had known Lady Chiyo like the others, she would be able to bring their friend back at any cost. The Life Transfer technique would take more years to master it unless there is another way.

"Ino!" One of the medical shinobi called out.

The blonde-haired kunoichi got startled back to reality when she glanced at her blankly. "Yes? What is it?"

The dark blue-haired kunoichi was breathing heavily and informed. "There are three ninjas who are in their serious conditions, but non-life threatening."

"Okay, I'll be there soon," she said, finishing up the last drops and injecting the needle to the patient's right arm.

Concurrently at that moment, a hand made a sudden outburst off of the underground, grabbing onto the soil firmly at a greater distance in which it is about to uncover...

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