Chapter 4: Clarification

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The night before a few days of the fourth ninja war will begin, Sakura and the rest of her friends are preparing their equipment and tools inside their bags. They've been customizing their own outfits that can protect them from being attacked directly.

Lee and Kiba decided to put the bandages around their fists, which will help them fight physically in combat. Alongside with Neji and Hinata, they've trained a lot and developed new techniques of their own using their Byakugan.

Choji, on the other hand, is still struggling with overcoming his sensitivity when it comes to being insulted of his corpulent weight. He definitely cares about his self-esteem and doesn't want anyone or any of his friends to ruin that. Of course, they wouldn't ruin that because they are not those kind of people. Though, they've told him that even if he receives the slightest harsh criticism or words, he must be mentally and emotionally prepared. That was all that they ever wanted.

"I don't understand..." Hinata murmured softly as she gaze off on the grass.

"What is it?" Tenten asked curiously.

"Well, I've heard from the other leaf jounins and the rest of the people in our village have been spreading rumors about the Akatsuki's resurrection... I don't know if that is true or not. But it happened just recently," the purple-haired kunoichi said with a saddened expression look on her face.

"What?! That's bullshit if you asked me," Kiba huffed with his eyes rolled.

"Ugh. What if it is? Then, what? We've got to fight, duh," Tenten pointed out.

"Yeah, it wouldn't be that difficult," Lee agreed.

"Hah! Don't talk as if you're above them all. We don't know what they're capable of, so get a grip," Kiba said laughing in sarcasm with a wide grin, then suddenly became serious.

"If they have resurrected, there's more to what they're planning... Extracting and obtaining the tailed beast from Naruto is not only to make them powerful and destroy the world..." Neji thought out deeply and continued on. "My eyes may not be able to see the entire picture, but my gut instinct is never wrong."

"There is always a bigger reason as to why they're doing it. Other than that, we must be on focus," Shino stated firmly with his hands in his pockets.

The pink-haired kunoichi unfolded her arms away from her chest and approached the group of circle in the middle.

"You're right... We are not just some big kids, studying textbooks and taking tests or quizzes in Ninja Academy school anymore. This is the real thing now, this is our mission. Our goal is to defeat the Akatsuki. But without us having each other, we couldn't call ourselves the leaf squad," Sakura raised her arm and adjusted her black glove on her right hand and made a tight fist, saying in determination. "Without the leaf squad, we are nothing... If we are all together, we can endure the hardships that we'll face sometime soon. Trust me, this will be worth it. This is not about trying hard, this is about willing. We don't earn the will of fire... We are the will of fire, so let's never forget that."

Ino, Hinata, Tenten, and the rest of the boys smiled at her words and nodded in accordance.

"I know I've said a lot and sounded too cheesy, but you know... we are not just classmates... We are friends," the pink-haired kunoichi sighed and continued on with a sad smile. "I don't know what I would do without you guys... Even without Naruto. All I can say is thank you for being here."

"No, thank you, Sakura," Ino smirked in appreciation.

"Yeah, I mean. You and Naruto went through a lot of trouble, attempting to bring Sasuke back," Tenten mentioned in thought.

"On the contrary, we all pretty much suffered as well," Kiba pointed out loud and chuckled.

"What I meant to say is that they're the ones who risked their lives for the most important people. I'm not trying to compare us with them, but they're very tough to fight for someone and something they care about. We all do," Tenten paused for a moment and asks the pink-haired kunoichi quietly. "So Sakura... I want you to be really honest... Do you still have feelings for Sasuke?"

Sakura stood silently on her spot and gazed off into space, whereas the others were looking at her in worry. Then, her eyes began to glisten emotionally at the memories of their encounter.


The pink-haired kunoichi, however, began to heal the wound using the amount of chakra that she has left. She was panting breathlessly and gagged out some blood from her mouth, asking. "Why...? Why Sasuke? I thought you-"

"Wouldn't hurt you, kill you... Hmm. You are so naive, Sakura. After these past two years, you are still hoping that I will return back to the leaf village and be back on Team 7 with you and Naruto...? Too late. I've changed and nobody will ever go in my way once I destroy that place that murdered my family, my entire clan..." the dark-haired ninja stated coldly and began to approach her slowly until he stopped and looked down on her.

"But you said you will never turn your back on us! You promised that after you've completed your revenge, you wouldn't stay on that path anymore-" Sakura reasoned out in sorrow.

"Just shut up!! That is none of your business," Sasuke yelled in rage, much to the pink-haired kunoichi's dismay. Then, he once again performed his usual technique and declared. "You have no right to interfere with my plans, so I will end you right here and now!"

As soon as he began to strike her with his Chidori, a leaf jounin delayed his attack from going further when he rapidly slapped his hand away before it reaches the pink-haired kunoichi.

"He really meant to kill her..." Kakashi guessed correctly while staring heatedly at his former student, saying. "You've really fallen, Sasuke."


In the present time, Sakura had her eyes closed for one minute until she reopens them filled with emptiness.

"In all honesty, I haven't really figured out what I feel for him entirely. I do not know if I truly love him or I just love the idea of him being someone I dreamt of... For all we know is that he's been brainwashed ever since he left our village," she explained simply. "He's still my friend and we need to save him from wandering himself lost in darkness."

'You're right. We got to step up and try harder, but like you said. It's more than just a try. It's a will," Lee grinned with his thumbs raised up in the air.

"By the way, just to clarify some things, who are the enemies that we need to confront first. Is it... uh... the Akatsuki? Orochimaru? Sasuke?" Choji asked confusedly in a slight hesitation.

Kiba and Ino snorted at the question simultaneously.

"Duh... It's everyone involved," he said chuckling.

"We are probably going to have to fight the Akatsuki first, then the rest will be up to us, depending on the personal matters we have," Ino answered.

"More practice, more training is what we need to focus on first thing's first," Shino stated.

"I agree," Hinata said with a curt nod.

"Guaranteed," Neji smirked.

"Alrighty, then. I guess that means we're all settled in this proposition," Tenten called out.

"Yes..." Sakura responded with a determined look on her face.

"Okay, then. Let's get going," Kiba said smirking and made a whistle tone as soon as they resumed their work of progress.

On the other hand, the leaf ninja in a green spandex was observing the expressions and behaviour that Sakura was having at the moment and still remembered what she told him before.

"I know... I know that you're almost finally over with your feelings towards Sasuke. But what about the other one...? I don't know, Sakura... One of my goals right now is to protect you and not let your heart be broken ever again by someone else..." Lee said in mind, then began to walk away to continue his practice.

Later on, he was debating whether he should inform Sai about this issue.

Though, that wouldn't be a good idea or the right thing to do, would it?

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