Chapter 21: The Curse

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The five Kages and the allies have used different strategies to stop Madara and Kabuto from proceeding onto his next wicked schemes. The Akatsuki were immune to their attacks by dodging all of them.

Concurrently after they began to fight back with their jutsus, Tobi and the seven resurrected jinchurikis were facing Naruto and Killerbee, echoing the forest with his chuckling.

"I guess I forgot to mention it to you," he said, smirking at them.

"What do you mean?" The blonde-haired ninja asked blankly.

"I'm sure your dearest friend Haruno will love the parting gift that one of my colleagues have sent," Tobi stated gleefully with a mischievous grin.

Naruto's eyes widened and narrowed them in anger as he questioned. "What the hell did you do to her?!! You better start answering or else, I will kill you right here!"

Killerbee placed his hand on his shoulder and said quietly. "He's only provoking you."

Tobi continued to smile calmly at him underneath his mask by saying. "It's simple. Once it consumes her, she will never be the same."

"Why? How the hell did that happen?! Huh?! Tell me!!" The blonde-haired ninja interrogated vehemently in rage, clenching his fists tightly.

"Bro... Calm down. Don't let your emotions get in the way," Killerbee assured him lightly in a whisper.

Yet, Naruto ignored his friend and warned the man in front of them. "I swear... If anything happens to Sakura, I will make sure you never get to see the light ever again, because I will never let your hand's lay upon my friends...! You got that?!"

Killerbee stared at him speechless, whereas Tobi looked at him for a moment and broke into a slight demeanour laughter.

"Here I am giving you answers. Looks like I've pushed you off to the edge, didn't I? Well, don't worry. She will be just fine and you will see her when you two meet," he concluded simply.

Then, Killerbee began to charge as he held the knife in his mouth.

"Wait, Bee!!" Naruto yelled out.

Killerbee uses his other sword and makes a swinging motion to attack one of the jinchurikis who is none other than Fuu. But he missed when she flew up in the air using her wings. He was impressed by how smooth her moves were until he flicked off the next weapon that consisted of shark teeth striking towards her direction. However, it hit the wall, which became futile. Naruto, on the other hand, was watching them fight, then he turned his attention on the rest of the jinchurikis, much to his frustration.

He clenched his fists tightly and asked himself in his mind. "Shit. I can't take these guys all at once. I have to take them on one by one. How should I do that? If I attack one of them, another one will come after me..."

The blonde-haired ninja stood on his spot while he was thinking of another strategy and looking back and forth at their figures.

At that duration of period, the five members of the leaf squad were currently traveling around to look for their other teammates. As soon as they did, they all hopped onto the huge white bird's back while Sai was navigating the way.

"So you've encountered Katsumi and the masked man?!" Choji asked shockingly.

"By all means, yes we did," Neji answered.

"Ugh!! How and why?!" Tenten questioned in astonishment.

Neji glanced at Lee and urged him to respond.

"Uhh. You see... I may have written a letter to Gaara, but then Katsumi must've went through his belongings in the office and read it about the situation," the green leaf ninja explained nervously as he rubbed the back of his head and continued on with an anxious laugh. "It's mostly towards their feelings."

"What?! Yo, you just made the dumbass move ever!" Kiba pointed out, trying to stifle his laughter.

"I didn't mean it, I made sure that Gaara is the only one who will read it-" Lee protested but didn't get to finish his sentence.

"You would know that Katsumi is the second person to be entrusted with all the information that is given to the Kazekage, right?!" Tenten stated in annoyance.

"Yeah, I didn't know..." Lee murmured in remorse.

Tenten sighed and said thoughtfully. "Jeez, it shouldn't be your responsibility to remind him that. At least you are all safe. Who knows what Katsumi will do next? I'll be honest with you, I don't like her, but maybe she has a good reason to resent us."

"A good reason doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing," Shino pointed out.

"Agreed," Hinata muttered softly.

"Hmm. I guess," Tenten noted.

On the contrary, they continued to discuss further with what had happened back inside the mountain cave amongst themselves. Ino was looking at the left side view of the beautiful landscape while she was looking after Sakura, who was sleeping serenely, yet did not notice that the bright purple veins was covering her right arm and reached to the side of her face. Slowly, they dissolved inside her body, which nobody suspected, not even the Hyugas' that it was more than just a seal.

Later on after the jinchurikis have exploded the forest area, they powered up into their tailed-beast transformation, much to Naruto and Killerbee's angst. After fighting against them, Naruto was trapped in between the surroundings of Tobi. He was lying down, helplessly trying to get up from his spot. He was watching Tobi attempting to grab his face with one hand until two leaf jounins arrived just in time to stop the attack.

Guy quickly swung his leg towards Tobi's back, whereas Kakashi immediately grabbed Naruto's body and both landed safely on the ground away from the enemy.

"Two more maggots will change nothing. Not before the power of the tailed beasts and my eyes!" Tobi exclaimed.

"Don't forget, we have a sharingan between us too," Kakashi pointed out boldly.

"And the noble green beast of the hidden leaf," Guy said, smirking coolly.

Both of them were facing against Tobi and the rest of the jinchurikis, proceeding onto their next battle. 

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