Chapter 7: Akatsuki's Disturbance

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Hey, guys! I've been emotionally drained and exhausted. But thankfully, I didn't give up right away. Sorry again for this delay and I know I should've been focusing on this more than my own little problems. Aside from that, I'm also planning to write Fairy Tail and other anime stories. Anyway, please read & review!

Somewhere in the middle of the forest is where the enemy lies among the trees, holding his own victim at the grasp of his snake hands. Even so, he has been staying quiet and hidden, so that the others would not be able to capture him right away.

Though, the rest of the jounins were given the order to find his whereabouts. The first squad began to separate from the other groups to use their abilities against their opponent.

Aside from that, Sakura and her friends decided to follow them while they are getting rid of their traces behind them. Leaving the footsteps or scents will somehow attract more enemies, which is certainly not a good idea.

They continued to hop onto different branches of the trees and was careful enough not to stumble on the fragile ones.

"Jeez... I can't believe we're all doing this. I'm literally freaking out," Tenten said, gritting her teeth nervously.

"I'm not. This is such a hype for me," Kiba chuckled coolly.

"Of course. Anyway, don't forget we all have to split up into two groups," Sai reminded firmly.

"Hmm, you got it," Choji smiles cheekily.

"Guys, I think Gaara and his group are halfway arriving at the enemy's destination, which means that they will be battling against them," Neji informed quickly while he was using his Byakugan.

"No fucking way. That can't be right," Kiba cursed under his breath.

"Um, I'm pretty sure it is correct because that's part of our alliance's plan," Ino noted.

"But what about our plan? We can't interfere, then..." Choji pointed out as his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"That is fine. Wait... I want to know who is in Gaara's squad, though. After all, we created our own replacements to fill up our spots in each section," Sai thought out loud.

"Well, there is Temari and then the others..." Shino replied back.

"Hmm. I see," Sai nodded in understanding and continued on. "We can avoid them because we do not want to get involved. If anyone opposes, please let me know."

On the other hand, the pink-haired kunoichi tilted her head down as she began to think about the red-haired Kazekage with an unsettling expression on her face, whereas Lee took a little glance at her.

"Hey... He's going to be fine. He's very strong," he murmured softly with a reassuring smile.

"Right," Sakura agreed with a sigh deeply and kept her head up high.

Later on, Kankuro and his squad had recently defeated Sasori and Deidara using his two puppet cages that stabbed them with huge sharp needles. He was shocked when Sasori decided to pass down the puppets of his parents as a way of honoring his victory, whereas Deidara slightly feels annoyed by the fact that his teammate is starting to disappear into pieces.

Meanwhile, near the bottom pit of the ground, Tobi and Kabuto were discussing the schemes that they planned to do. Most likely, they were debating whether they should kill the unconscious leaf jounin, Anko or not. Yet, Kabuto says otherwise since she still has the chakra remainings in her body to be extracted out and use it to strengthen himself. Nevertheless, he will be able to control of Edo Tensei technique.

"Today's friend is tomorrow's enemy. The more advantages you have, the more I am in danger of being at a disadvantage," Tobi stated.

"It appears you still don't trust me. What would you have me do then?" Kabuto asked sternly.

"Prove to me that Edo Tensei really requires living bodies or else... Tell me everything about the jutsu, including how to stop it, of course," Tobi pointed out.

"And if I say no?" Kabuto questioned with his eyes narrowed.

"Not only will you not get what you wanted, but the only thing you'll be wanting is your life!" Tobi warned strictly, much to Kabuto's no surprise.

"All right. But I have no one for the sacrifice. I told you, I can't use this woman," he said.

"Well then, here you go," Tobi summoned two of Danzo's men and they decided to turn them into a vessel of the dead, which was part of the Edo Tensei ritual ceremony.

After the battle had ended between Kakashi's squad division and the enemies that they've encountered, he looked back onto the dead bodies of Haku and Zabuza who now experienced their second death. The others were still shocked that the white Zetsu had clutched onto Neji's body to suck out of his chakra until he was released immediately by the Gentle Fist Full Body Offensive technique.

Unfortunately, even if one dies, multiple ones suddenly emerge above the surface, much to the clone of Kiba's annoyance.

"Fuck! There's no end to these freaks!" He yelled out nastily.

"Stop complaining, just keep moving!" Neji commanded back.

"What the-?! They are obstinate! If this keeps up, it will be a way of attrition!" Shino said in astonishment, yet was calm enough about it.

"Captain Kitsuchi! There's a word from headquarters! Thousands of enemies passed underground!" One of the jounins informed loudly.

"Dad!" Kurotsuchi called in a panic.

"Shut up! I know that!" He yelled.

At that time, one of the Kages was resurrected back to life and noticed the ninja he was about to fight.

"A sand... A touch perception skill, huh? What a praise-worthy shinobi to have caught Muu, the second Tsuchikage," he stated impressively underneath his white bandaged mask.

"They're coming..." the red-haired Kazekage said with his arms crossed in determination.

But he did not know that the enemy is being controlled as one of Kabuto's puppets.

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