Chapter 3: Fortune-telling

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During Naruto's visit from the Great Frog Sage, he had recently asked what will happen at the start of the war. The Frog Sage replied to him that one of his closest friends is going to be in grave danger, which he started to question specifically on who it is.

"Huh? I don't understand. Why?" The blonde-haired ninja asked curiously.

"Boy, you know how capable and strong your friend is and she will do anything to protect everyone. There is a power that she will claim and cause a great and thunderous roar throughout the desert and the sea," the Frog Sage predicted.

"You're kidding, right? Wait... Are you talking about one of the tailed beasts?" Naruto guessed out loud with his hand on his right hip while the other hand was holding his chin in peculiar.

"No. Not at all. It's hard to tell since my vision is not so clear, I cannot say..." the Frog Sage yawned deeply.

"Ugh. Alright, whatever," the blonde-haired ninja rolled his eyes in disappointment.

"Once the night is set into a full blood moon, everyone will be in a world of trance," the Frog Sage predicted the second time.

"Huh? What do you mean?!" Naruto queered in suspicion.

"Time is running out, my dear boy. But I guarantee that you and your allies will conquer the worst enemies," the Frog Sage stated.

The blonde-haired ninja stood silently in his spot and gazed at the thought of his squad with his deep thoughts and feelings on what will occur.

"But remember... She will be in danger. You and your friends must do anything to stop that person. And that person will definitely create a lot of chaos because she is living among you... That is my warning," the Frog Sage stated and bowed his head down to rest.

"I see... Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate how much information you're giving me. Anyway, I got to go and tell them about what you said to me. See ya!" Naruto turned his back and waved a gesture at him as soon as he left in a puff of smoke.

On the other hand, the Frog Sage watched him disappear and began to have thoughts about his own vision that he had seen. He decided to observe who the people were and had his eyes widened in shock at the sight of the girl with evil in her eyes.

"Naruto boy, be careful..." he muttered calmly in mind.

Meanwhile back in the hidden cloud village, the other ninja alliance headquarters were unpacking the boxes and assembling the weapons and other equipment that they will use.

Inside Raikage's tower, the five leaders of the countries were still debating on their own decisions on who should lead the whole alliance and to check their enemy's base.

"I'll do it," Onoki said.

"But Tsuchikage..." Mei trailed off of her words.

"Hmph. Old man, You have no arguments from me," Raikage A noted.

"Indeed, you have the ability to fly and get there quickly," Tsunade agreed.

"Are you certain that you will be alright?" Gaara asked calmly.

"There is nothing to worry, young Kazekage. I'm the greatest fence-sitter inheritor as Tsuchikage," Onoki declared confidently until he started to have pain in his body, which made a bone crack noise, much to his shock. "Ahhh!!!! My hip!! That hurts!"

"Perhaps, I'll take a consideration. I'm able to arrive there using my sand," Gaara pointed out with a sigh.

"Y-you fool! I told you I'm going, aren't I? Well then, let me take that opportunity, so you better shut your-" Onoki suddenly got interrupted until he cried out achingly.

"If you are willing to participate, I guess I better give you one of the medicines that I have created in a while since you are aging," Tsunade said smiling in amusement.

"Oh, I'm not the only one. Aren't you yourself as well?" Onoki chuckled.

"Yes, of course. But I want to keep myself maintained," Tsunade smirked.

"Agreed on that," Mei said.

"Let's get back to the topic, we must choose a leader who will be responsible to lead the army and it has to be one of us. Listen, I may be reckless with having anger issues at most of the times, but now is the chance to vote who is the right choice for this," Raikage A stated sternly.

Tsunade kept her hands folded together while her elbows were resting on top of the table. She slowly looked at the red-haired Kazekage, saying. "It wouldn't hurt if we pick the very youngest. Even so, the heart has a will of fire."

"No doubt about that," Mei glanced at the boy and nodded in agreement with a genuine smile.

"Hmph. Why not?" Onoki said rhetorically and rolled his eyes in accordance.

"Alright, then," Raikage A breathed through his huge nostrils and acknowledged. Then, he instructed one of his lieutenants on his side. "Create an ambush squad! Then split the rest of the troops into teams and get them into formation!"

"Yes, sir!!" The short blonde-haired girl responded firmly.

"And ensure the medics to be properly equipped! Shikaku, work with the intel squads to check their locations!" Tsunade ordered beside him on her right.

"Inform Ao in the Sensor squad about the rest of the details," Mei ordered her assistant.

"Y-yes, ma'am!" Chojuro noted shyly.

"Tsuchikage, we finished these while you were away. Here," Gaara said as he handed over the crest alliance band in front of him.

"Oh! Already?!" Onoki said surprisingly and gladly took it as he carefully examined the object in admiration. "Ah. So that is the symbol. Impressive."

"I made them myself and since you once fought amongst yourselves, you are now all ninjas. True ninjas that will surpass the previous generations and we, Samurais, will join forces with you. Now the time has come!" Mifune announced in determination as he quickly rose up from his seat, which made the rest of the Kages smile in hopes to win the victory over the Akatsuki. 

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