Chapter 29: Crisis

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After Itachi and the rest of the others disappeared into the dust of light, Sasuke was left alone once again in his discovery of his family's background history.

During that time, Kankuro was observing the surroundings when the rocky walls were starting to tremble. He panicked by saying. "Guys! We really need to go. This place will plunge down into pieces."

Temari glanced around and gave a nod at him, then she gazed down on her younger brother who was still holding the pink-haired kunoichi tightly with his eyes closed. She spoke out softly. "Gaara... We got to go. Let's hurry."

The red-haired Kazekage stood up on his feet, carrying Sakura in his arms. He opened his eyes and nodded quietly in response.

Kankuro and Temari looked at them pitifully, then they ran towards the edge without stopping. Gaara followed them from behind and they all reached to the top of the surface safely.

As soon as the rocks had fallen down onto the bottom pit, the three of them made a dash run until they rode on each of their own sand that the red-haired Kazekage had provided. They all drift away from the ruins that have already receded.

Later on, they arrived at one of the medical camps that was closest nearby and they've asked where they could put their friend into rest. A few of the medical kunoichis gestured them to one of the tents, leading them inside to where the empty bed is.

"You can lay her there. I'll wait for Ino Yamanaka to come back. She will assist her," the medical kunoichi reminded kindly.

"Thank you," Temari bowed down warmly.

"Thanks," Kankuro murmured and crossed his arms.

"You're welcome," she said, smiling and exited the tent to go out and take care of the other patients.

Gaara slowly placed Sakura's body gently in the bed and lightly stroked the strands of her hair away from her vacant face. He gazed down on her wistfully and closed his eyes.

Kankuro and Temari were also somber into their own thoughts as they stared at the pink-haired kunoichi.

"She may be gone, but we have to move on right now. There's barely enough time. We must not let Akatsuki win and take over us," the four ponytail-haired kunoichi stated and sighed despondently.

"You're right," the red-haired Kazekage agreed quietly.

"Hey! I'm here!" A familiar voice called out briskly, much to their startlement.

They turned around to see Ino panting breathlessly in surprise.

"Ino, thank goodness. Okay, we have to go and help the rest of the shinobi," Temari said smiling.

"Yeah. I'm glad I came here at just the right time," she answered, sighing out in relief.

"Hmm. Anyway, we'll see you around," Kankuro said with a slight smirk, but still felt melancholic.

Ino nodded in agreement until her eyes landed on the pink-haired kunoichi's lifeless body. She took a deep breath to hide her emotions and walked over to the spot.

Then, Gaara quickly grabbed her wrist lightly and whispered to her on the side of her face, saying. "Please... Take good care of her."

The blonde-haired kunoichi gulped and nodded in understanding silently. She glanced at them over her shoulder and watched them leave the tent as soon as possible. At that moment, she couldn't help but let her tears fall down on the ground where she turned her head back to look at Sakura once more.

Meanwhile, the four Kages were using a bunch of techniques to attack Madara.

"Fire Release Flame Dragon Howl!" Mei exclaimed as she performed a few hand signs and said to herself in annoyance. "No... I will not make it in time!"

Tsunade, on the other hand, had broken free from the chains and took charge.

"I'm alright now!" She said and realized how the strength of a hundred techniques disappeared in just about a few seconds.

Madara attempted to strike her, but missed when she hovered over to the side.

"What was that?!" Raikage A asked loudly.

"I thought she had completely lost consciousness," Onoki thought in puzzlement.

Tsunade heard a voice in her head calling out to her, which is none other than her lover Dan. He was the one who gave her power and healed her wounds, much to the Uchiha's slight curiosity.

"It seems that your vitality has returned. Did you get some chakra?" Madara asked.

"I met one of my old acquaintances," the fifth Hokage said smiling confidently.

"Madara's chakra was on the verge of leaving his body, but now it is firmly clinging to it. It came back?" Mei stared blankly.

"Why?! Why doesn't he disappear?! Edo Tensei should be released!" Raikage A pointed out angrily.

"There is just one risk that comes with this technique. If the person called from the impure world knows the seals, he can cancel the Edo Tensei summoning contract. An immortal body, infinite chakra, and he can no longer be controlled or suppressed," Madara explained.

"Impossible..." Onoki said in disbelief.

"You should tell the one who used this technique that he shouldn't use a forbidden one so carelessly," he exclaimed as he was performing one of his techniques to release.

Out of nowhere, Gaara had teleport with his arms crossed in a swirl of sand, causing them to turn their attention on him.

"Kazekage! You're back!" Mei said surprisingly.

"Took you long enough," Onoki said grinning.

"Hm. I see you've met up with your friend. How is she?" Madara asked slyly.

The red-haired Kazekage turned his head around and stared at the enemy above them with resentment in his eyes.

"Oh? She didn't make it, did she? That's unfortunate. No matter, soon you will eventually see her on the other side," the Uchiha said mockingly and started to laugh.

Then, a gigantic hand made of sand tried to pummel him through his right direction. Though, he immediately dodged his attack by jumping out of the way.

"You talk too much. We will take you down and you will rot in hell's core," Gaara said, staring at him deadly.

"Really? Let's see who goes first," Madara said, smirking viciously at them. 

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