Chapter 26: Loss

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Katsumi inhaled and exhaled slowly as she stretched her head around to adjust to her new power that she now holds, then teleported into the black hole to meet up with the leader. 

Meanwhile, Lee turned back around and narrowed his eyes at the hysterical laughter that the white Zetsu was making. 

"Hahahahahaha!!! Well, it seems that she has finally done it! Bravo, young lady! Master Tobi will be super proud of you," he said, grinning his teeth sharply in satisfaction. 

Lee stepped his foot forward and questioned with his fist held towards him. "Just what the hell do you mean by that??!" 

"My, you still don't know? Even after witnessing that massive power that was forming towards Katsumi? Hmm. You are totally brainless," the white Zetsu sighed out and continued on with an evil smirk. "You see… Our dearest companion has taken an advance move to a new life."

"Grr…! Get to the point!" Lee demanded. 

The white Zetsu made a tongue popping noise and said amusingly. "Let’s just say that your precious friend, Sakura Haruno…” He paused for a moment and continued on to conclude his sentence. “...Is somewhere in paradise.”

Lee’s horrified expression grew larger as his blood started to run cold. He stood there, not being able to move an inch after the enemy had spoken about it. He shook his head and denied by arguing. “That is a big lie!!”

“Is it? Don’t be so naive, kiddo,” the white Zetsu guessed and replied further with a wide grin.
“Go and see for yourself.”

Then, he started to laugh uncontrollably and withdraw from the battlefield, leaving the green leaf ninja in his own traumatic state that he was in.

“No… It can’t be…” Lee was trembling in worry as he began to run and go back to ask for his friends’ help. “This is bad… I need to inform them quickly.”

He picked up a fast pace and avoided the pebbles that were lying down on the ground. 

Back inside the hidden cloud village tower, Inoichi was concentrating on the progress of the fight that was occurring in each battlefield. Then, he gasped slightly when he saw what happened in the circular bottom pit. 

“What is going on? Who’s the person lying on the ground…?” His mouth went agape in horror for a moment. 

However, he cleared his throat and tapped the telecommunication signal, saying. “Excuse me… I would like to inform you that the power coming from the natural source is none other than the Akatsuki and I’m very sad to announce…” 

He stopped as he identified the lifeless figure, gulping nervously.  

Everyone in their teams paused from their fighting when they looked straight at the front and was carefully listening to him. 

Inoichi continued to finish his sentence with a timid sigh. “Sakura Haruno… is possibly demised…” 

The leaf squad’s eyes widened in bewilderment and trauma, including Tsunade, Kankuro, Temari, who already met up with each other. 

“What?!” The purple-faced ninja questioned, perplexed. 

“No way…” The four ponytail-haired kunoichi shook her head in disbelief to herself.

“I find this hard to believe,” the fifth Hokage pointed out in thought. 

“We have to go,” Kankuro noted. 

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