Chapter 33: Sakura's True Feelings

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I know what they are all going to ask me...

How did I survive?

I was given another chance to live by Lady Chiyo

Now, here I am.

Alive and well...


"Young lady, I know how much you are deeply hurting right now after trying to fight the enemy. However, it does not have to be this way. You're too young to have your life being taken away and yes, Katsumi may be considered to be strong but it is because she was given extra powers from the Akatsuki. Why would you give up so easily?" The elderly woman explained softly while they were both standing on the cliff, staring at the sun setting across the ocean .

"Because I thought I was strong as well. I thought I was able to capture her when in fact I couldn't. Anyway, I did my part. This is my fate and I've got to accept that. I accepted my life, my whole existence as a kunoichi and now, I need to accept death," the pink-haired kunoichi explained with a frown.

The elderly woman stared at her observantly and began to speak quietly. "Let me ask you this question and I want an honest, specific answer... What are you afraid of?"

The pink-haired kunoichi was standing still on her spot and said. "My heart."

"Why? Why are you so afraid of it?" She asked gently.

"I'm afraid of letting people in. I'm afraid of hurting them and may push them away, even though I don't want to," the pink-haired kunoichi said.

"Is that the only reason or is there something else?" Lady Chiyo interrogated.

The pink-haired kunoichi closed her eyes, then reopened them and was hesitant to answer.

"You know, there is nothing to be afraid of love, Sakura. You were capable of loving Sasuke despite the fact that he's a wanted criminal. Do you still love him?" Lady Chiyo asked kindly.

"I do, but..." she trailed off of her words and tilted her head down shyly.

"Ah. Now I see the problem there," she said, nodding in understanding and continued on. "You have complicated feelings and you don't know what to do with them. Is that correct?"

"Yes," the pink-haired kunoichi answered shortly.

"Hmm," Lady Chiyo hummed in response and said. "How complicated are they?"

"A little complicated," the pink-haired kunoichi gave a slight chuckle.

"I see. Listen, it's okay to love him the way you love others as well, my dear. From what I can tell, your history with Sasuke was certainly a confusing one," the elderly woman said thoughtfully. She sighed as she walked over to her to place her hand on Sakura's shoulder. "What about him?"

"Huh?! What do you mean, lady Chiyo?" The pink-haired kunoichi got startled for a second.

"Young lady, I've seen the way you look at him when you two are together sometimes. Your eyes bright up and your smile glows like you never want those moments to end. I do not want to compare him with Sasuke because you equally love them so dearly. Unfortunately, one has to stand taller than the other. That's the reality. You can't have everything, but there are some things that you can. You just have to choose wisely. Sakura, I lived longer in life as an old woman and I've known these things when it comes to love," Lady Chiyo explained and held her hand, much to the pink-haired kunoichi's puzzlement.

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