Chapter 11: Breakout!

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Hey, guys. I know this is kind of a short chapter, but I'll be writing the next longest ones soon.

Anyway, please read & review!

"Lee... What did you do?" Sakura asked when her eyes started to narrow in annoyance.

"I-I... uh... I... Ten days ago, I wrote a letter that explains everything about you, Sasuke, Naruto, and well... Gaara. The thing is... I also put a confession there that you have fallen in love..." The green leaf ninja muttered reluctantly as he tilted his head down.

"You what?!" The pink-haired kunoichi 've eyes started to widen in shock.

Lee sighed in awkwardness, closing his eyes without saying a word.

"We both made a promise to each other and I gave you my trust. You don't just go around making a decision for me. You did it-" Sakura ranted in irritation when she quickly stood up and stomped away to gaze back and forth worriedly.

Lee got up and point out a reason, speaking softly. "I wanted to help you. Since you told me that you only see Sasuke as a friend, this is the chance to prove your feelings!"

The pink-haired kunoichi stated hardly at the view of the landscape, then shakes her head in disagreement. She turned around to face him and argued. "Without my consent! You took advantage of my trust, yet you think it's the right thing to do."

"Because it is the right thing... All these years you've been chasing after Sasuke who doesn't care about anyone but himself. You've been heartbroken long enough and still hope he will come back and change... Guess what? We've never know if he will. But your feelings for him was changed. You're in love with someone else, which I've already figured out, just by how deep and close your bond is with each other," the green leaf ninja explained with a frown expression.

"But you have no right to decide on my feelings. I will speak up when it's the right time," the pink-haired kunoichi lectured as she turned her back on him and continued to stared at the view silently.

"I'm sorry... Look, Sakura... He needs to know," Lee spoke desperately.

"Lee! I'm not the type of person that meddles into the relationship and destroys them," the pink-haired kunoichi stated calmly.

"And I'm not the type of person who is selfish and has no care for others' needs," the green leaf ninja said.

"This time, you kind of did," Sakura clenched her teeth angrily.

"Are you mad? I wouldn't mind if you are. At least, I did what I needed to do for your sake and everyone else's," Lee pointed out and continued on. "This will change everything."

"No, it will not! It won't matter anymore!" The pink-haired kunoichi said.

"Why not, Sakura?!" The green leaf ninja questioned strongly.

The pink-haired kunoichi became speechless and didn't want to tell him, so she stood in silence while she was gathering her thoughts. Her tears were beginning to form the corner of her eyes and swallowed a hard limp in her throat. "I've already told you I don't meddle and destroy relationships."

"How?!" Lee interrogated further.

"Why does that matter??! Why do you care about this?!" Sakura questioned and shook her head.

"Look. You are not meddling, nor destroying relationships. Trust me. Telling the truth is always the best thing, even if it hurts someone or anyone," Lee stated logically. "Don't deny your feelings..."

Sakura, on the other hand, paused as her eyes were glistening in tears while holding them back. She deeply breathes through her nose slowly until two voices was calling out for them.

"Guys!!" They replied in unison.

The pink-haired kunoichi and the green leaf ninja got a little startled when they turned around to see them.

"Neji! Tenten!!" Lee said surprisingly. "What are you guys doing here?"

"There's no time for me to explain the beginning, so I'll get straight to the point," Neji said quickly.

"What is it?" Sakura asked blankly.

"Look, it will not be easy if none of us can find the enemy, that's why using the Byakugan will track down the location," Neji explained.

"That makes sense. Without the Byakugan user, we would be lost," Lee nodded in understanding.

"Shall we head on now? We don't have much time left," Tenten reminded.

Lee glanced over his shoulder to look at Sakura, who breathes in and gave a brief nod at the with a faltered smile.

"Let's go," Tenten said softly.

"Yeah," Lee agreed.

Then later on, Naruto and KillerBee were exchanging fist bumps while they were sitting down and meditating with their eyes closed. The conversation they were currently having about their personal history made the connect more. Pain became part of their lives and it will never be forgotten, but they were able to forgive the people who hurt them. Even then, they've learned so many things, which helped them grow stronger, aside from their friends who have them support and encouragement.

"I think every jinchuriki experiences the same thing. You know what, I'm glad I met you and everyone else. You guys taught me a lot; happiness, sadness, anger, and overcoming bad habits," the blonde-haired ninja explained as his eyes softened at the memories he recalled and continued on with a grin. "Thank you for being an awesome friend."

"You can count in me always, bro. But there is something you should know," the rapper ninja said coolly.

"What?" Naruto asked in puzzlement.

"Brother A and the Kages received an Intel about the white Zetsus invading the areas with all the divisions, so now they need more cooperation. We can't step out and fight, we gotta do what is right. We need to figure out a plan, cause time is ticking and there is nowhere to stand," KillerBee explained with a swag gesture of his left hand in a pose.

Naruto's eyes widened in shock without letting go of their fist bumps. "What?! Are you kidding? How is that possible? Hmm... Maybe the enemy used the technique to accumulate clones as many as he can."

"Yup," KillerBee nodded in agreement and continued on, rapping. "Wait! There's more to tell, so you gotta sit still and listen very well. Your pretty friend and the leaf squad have been acting strange, they are keeping a secret and they're out of range."

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

KillerBee answered. "They made the clones, so they're out of the zones."

Naruto's face became more astonished and started to wonder why his friends would do that.

It was only a matter of time until he slowly let go of their fist bumps and sighed heavily. "Sakura..."

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