Chapter 12: Dance With The Devil

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Hey, guys. I just want to greet you a very, very, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hopefully, this is a good fresh new start of 2020 and write more stories.

Anyways, please read & review!

"All we gotta do is trust them, so we don't need to add more problems," KillerBee stated smoothly.

"Uhmm... We got to help them. Running away or hiding won't solve this," Naruto insisted and went on further. "Come on, this is our chance."

The rapper ninja nodded with a grunt. "Sure."

"Great. Let's get the hell out of here," the blonde-haired ninja exclaimed with hype and stood up quickly on his feet.

As soon as they both got up from their spots, one of the leaf joining cane in and approach them with a full expression on his face.

"There's no point in stopping you two, isn't it?" Yamato thinned his lips curving into a relaxing smile.

Naruto shook his head and replied. "Nope."

"Go," Yamato gestured his left hand towards the exit door and they followed the direction.

The two jinchurikis leave him in his own mind, thinking about what could possibly go wrong.

"I really hope Lady Tsunade doesn't get mad at me for letting them go," Yamato thought in concern.

During that time, Sakura and the others had been traveling around the forest near the mountains to search for the enemy's hideout.

Unfortunately, there was no sign of the white Zetsus until they stopped by at the tree branches to rest.

"This is getting ridiculous. We've been going on and on in circles," Tenten complained in frustration.

"Yeah! This is not going anywhere," Sakura murmured with her eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Don't worry, I made sure that all of our scents and presence do not linger in the corners. I used a powder that covers ourselves," Lee explained briefly.

"You mean, us being invisible?" Tenten questioned in confusion.

"Pretty much," the green leaf ninja nodded.

"Guys... He's coming," Neji said quietly.

Sakura, Lee, and Tenten were standing still on their own spots without moving a single inch or taking a breath. They were listening intently on the heavy sounds that was ringing inside the trees.

Suddenly, a loud screeching noise echoed throughout the area in which they quickly covered all their ears. The white Zetsu began to appear himself out of the tree as he slowly emerged upon the surface with his sharp teeth grinning sadistically.

"No way... Is that his form?" Sakura asked in disbelief.

"Most likely," Neji responded while they continue to stare at the half-human and creature, who was glancing around to find victims to prey on.

"Where are you, kiddos?! I'm here!" The white Zetsu sang gleefully.

"Jeez. Took him long enough to come out. We wouldn't have to be wandering like this," Tenten rolled her eyes.

"Apparently, he's saving a lot of energy and chakra to boost up his powers," Neji stated firmly.

"What are they?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Hm. That is something that I'm unable to answer," Neji chuckled slightly.

"Shit... What if he knows that we're here? My invisible powder may not last that long," Lee cursed, panicking.

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