Chapter 28: Mad World

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The green leaf ninja kept on running in a couple of steps until he met up with his own division squad.

"Who are you?" One of the shinobi allies asked weirdly.

"It's Lee. What happened and aren't you supposed suspended from fighting in the battlefield?" Another ninja raised an eyebrow peculiarly.

Lee was panting breathlessly while he squatted on his knees, then regained back to his standing position, saying. "Yes. But now is not the time to talk about that. I have this..." He held the cherry blossom flower in front of them and continued on. "My friend has recorded a message about us who Katsumi really is."

"Wait. Lord's Kazekage's fiance? What about her?" A sand allied ninja asked blankly.

"Yeah. Isn't she taking care of the duties back in the village?" The third ninja questioned.

"Well, no. You guys got it wrong. She's been roaming around and conspiring with the Akatsuki," Lee pinpointed.

"Pfft. That's a load of crap you're talking," a second sand allied ninja huffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"No. Please, you got to believe me! Here! Listen carefully," the green leaf ninja said desperately and moved the mini cherry blossom flower close to them, tapping it to play the voice recording.

"Hey... I know that I've broken the rules of the shinobi alliance. But if any of you are listening to this, please hear me out for once. I want to let you know that Katsumi is not who you think she is. Lately, my friends have discovered that Katsumi had stolen the forbidden scrolls in Gaara's office from the vault and has joined with the Akatsuki. She wants to destroy you as much as she had already destroyed me. If you guys see her, please stop her. She's somewhere wandering in the midst. I beg of you... I'm running out of time... I don't have long to live... Please..." the pink-haired kunoichi whispered quietly, then the voice recording had ended with a distorting signal, much to their dismay.

The others were shocked when they glanced at each other in bewilderment, not knowing what to expect.

Lee, on the other hand, stared back and forth at them silently and asked slowly. "Now, do you believe it?"

"How did she encounter Katsumi?" Another ninja allied questioned blankly.

"Because she went after her to stop her, because I let her go. I know I shouldn't have and if I was with Sakura, she would be safe by now, but she's gone..." the green leaf ninja murmured faintly, looking away to hide his tears.

"Hey. It's not your fault. You were only helping her. Plus, the fight between her and Katsumi is something that you cannot control over. Do not dwell or punish yourself for your friend's death, alright?" A sand allied ninja stated as he went over to comfort him by placing his hand on his shoulder.

Lee nodded in understanding and sighed tiredly. "Right. Anyway, I think it's best if Guy-sensei knows this. Does anyone know where he is?"

"He's with Kakashi-sensei and Naruto. The three are going up against the remaining Akatsuki members," a leaf allied ninja said.

"I see... I might as well go after them because I got banned in this squad," the green leaf ninja said exasperatedly.

"I mean, the Kazekage had to do what he must do for the sake of everyone. But with you and your friends, I think you have a good reason," he replied back thoughtfully.

"Maybe I can send the communication signal from this flower to the Intel squad in the Hidden Cloud tower. They need to know this information," another ninja allied said firmly.

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