Chapter 25: You Again

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I know this chapter is longer than the other ones I've written. But this is the most important fight that you will ever read about Sakura's powers and so on.

Anyway, please read & review!

After Itachi had put Kabuto into the loop, he was getting annoyed by the fact that the enemy was trying to escape from his clutches and turn into Orochimaru. But Kabuto couldn't accept his failure, so he used Water Dragon technique but it was futile since Itachi had counterattack him with his Water Dragon Bullets, which further shot him through his body multiple times. A few minutes later, Kabuto stood up unconsciously while Itachi promised to stop the Edo Tensei jutsu and less battles would occur.

Meanwhile outside the desert, the five Kage had been having a difficult time killing the monsters that kept appearing in their sight. Gaara was most likely deflecting their attacks away from his comrades as soon as possible. He didn't notice that the other creatures were attempting to slash him with their gigantic bare claws, yet the sand automatically shielded him.

"At this rate, if one of us loses our chakra inside us, we would be screwed," the red-haired Kazekage said worriedly in his mind.

The clouds began to darken and emerge throughout the evening and the sound of thunder was making deep rumbling noises with flashing light. The pink-haired kunoichi continued to run further nonstop, even though she was panting breathlessly while looking down on the bright pearl bracelet on her right palm. She carefully examined the letters on each bead she counted, then figured out that they were a secret code.

"Wait a minute. Could they mean a hidden location of where she is?" She asked herself blankly in her mind.

"Absolutely. There's no mistaking it," her inner self said with certainty.

"I, T, C, B, P," the pink-haired kunoichi spelled it out slowly and questioned. "What does it mean?"

"I got it. In the circular bottom pit," she answered.

"I see... So Katsumi must be two kilometres away. She's nearby," Sakura said, fixated on the front view.

Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at the edge of the rock and looked around the landscape. She quickly ran down to the pit and halted in the center but was not able to see clearly due to the fog.

"What is going on?" Sakura was puzzled and yelled out loud. "Where are you? Come out!"

It was dead silent at first, much to her irritation.

"Well, well, well... What a lovely surprise," a familiar voice said slyly, clapping slowly with her hands raised up. She began to reveal herself, which further shocked Sakura in disbelief.

Katsumi was wearing a dark purple armour with short red skirt and black high knee boots, especially her sword was strapped behind her back. Her vicious smirk was plastered on her face.

"You... What the hell happened to you? Your outfit. Is that your own transformation? How could you possibly upgrade that fast if you don't know the basic ninja techniques? Not to forget that you are just an-" the pink-haired kunoichi furrowed her eyebrows confusedly when she got interrupted.

"Ordinary person? Hah. Oh please, Sakura. You should know by now that Tobi has given me the best gift that I ever received. Luckily, I recovered quickly. Your reaction to what I am now is totally priceless," Katsumi chuckled nonchalantly and continued on. "I don't give a damn about those basic jutsus like you and everyone else have gone through. Taking the easy route is so much worth it because with these powers, I'm able and willing to destroy all of you in just a spark of dust. Perhaps, even crushing all of your bones and flesh."

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