Chapter 13: Signals From Afar

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Kiba shook his head and gruntled loudly. "Ahh! Now what?! We just let them get away like that. Plus, we were this close to eliminating those white-ass minions."

Ino rolled her eyes and contradicted by saying. "Um, hello?! We weren't even halfway. They're constantly and constantly multiplying everywhere."

"Of course. The white Zetsu has huge immense power. It's not easy to defeat him unless we find out his weaknesses," Shino pointed out, pushing his sunglasses forward his nose skeptically.

"We already did. But Kabuto and this weird masked man just abruptly detained us from attacking them," Tenten snapped back.

"A masked man?" Sai repeated.

"Yeah," Tenten answered.

"I see... What if he's someone we know?" Sai asked in suspicion.

"Probably. But that may not necessarily be the case. He is difficult to identify," Neji explained thoroughly. "We're just going to need another back up plan then."

The others nodded in agreement as well as Sakura, who was thinking the same thing.

During that day, the shinobi allies have been standing to wait for the signal, whereas Temari was clearing her throat when she began to speak out.

"Listen, Gaara. I think it's best if we should let them be and do their part. It will benefit us, especially our countries in the world," she looked up at his back in worry.

The red-haired Kazekage did not respond back, nor glance at his sister. Instead, he stayed calm with his arms crossed as usual.

Shikamaru stared at his back and was thinking about how Gaara was feeling right now since Sakura and the leaf squad took the initiative to confront the Akatsuki themselves. He breathed out blandly in his own mind, saying. "Watching him so quiet and still makes me unsettling. I should've known that this may go down."

From that moment on, the previous Kages resumed their conversation with each other.

"Rasa, are you really this dense? You can't be the only one fighting against your son, are you? We are involved in this too, you know?" The third Raikage protested with a sneer.

"Now, now. You must calm down. Let him deal with his personal matters. After all, Gaara is his family and should be history," the second Mizukage was grinning in amusement.

"Father against his own son? Hmm. I've suddenly become intrigued," the second Tsuchikage said smoothly.

In the afternoon, somewhere in the Great Frog Paradise Island, Naruto and Killerbee were running rapidly through the tunnels without stopping. They heard a red siren above them, which burst out a scroll that was wrapped tightly in a red string. The blonde-haired ninja caught it flexibly with his left hand and unties it, then skims over the paper. His eyes quickly scanned the words and could not believe what he had just read.

"What? That's crazy," he exclaimed.

"Who's that from?" Killerbee asked blankly.

"Gaara. He sent us a message about the leaf squad missing. They went somewhere to go and track down the Akatsuki. I'm shocked," Naruto said and questioned inquisitively. "But why though?"

"Bro, they may have gone along with their decision from the start, but things just got a little too far," the rapper ninja replied quietly.

"Yeah. Still, they were only helping out. The more, the merrier!" The blonde-haired ninja reasoned out firmly.

"Don't put your high hopes in because the chances are really wearing thin!" Killerbee advised.

"Argh! Who gives a crap! Are you going to be on my side or what?" Naruto asked frustratingly, ignoring what he said recently.

Killerbee looked at him for a moment until he nodded back in response. "Hmm."

"Okay, then. Let's keep going," Naruto noted as he began to speed up his running as soon as they reached the end of the tunnel and see the daylight.

Once they have gotten out of the area, both of the jinchurikis landed on the boat safely. Before they depart, Naruto made sure that nobody is able to see where they are heading. By setting up the invisible barrier using the scroll, he suddenly felt relieved that Yamato gave them permission to let them go. The blonde-haired ninja grinned in delight and gladness towards his friends but was a little concerned about what they did at the same time. Although, he will not be surprised if Tsunade finds out about this, even though, she will be much more than angry.

Back in the mountains and forest, the leaf squad ends up traveling all the way back to their division squads. They hopped onto different tree branches, not even stumbling upon the crooked ones, which they smashed it severely with their sandals.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Choji stammered.

"What are you talking about?" Ino asked.

"I'm sort of high strung if they discover our plan," Choji answered anxiously.

"Let them speculate. Sooner or later, they will understand why we are all doing this," Sai replied calmly.

"Yeah. I mean, I don't feel guilty with what we are doing next," Kiba said chuckling, whereas Akamaru barked happily.

"I know right," Tenten agreed.

"Perhaps. However, the Kages think otherwise," Neji stated.

Sakura looked down in thought as she did not respond back. She remained indistinct as she was pondering over the things that Kabuto had said. She couldn't get over the fact that Sasuke was obviously going to war at any time.

"He's not going to stop..." she said, frowning in mind.

"I'm afraid so. You know what, even if we encounter him, we will do what we can to bring him back. He's our friend and it won't change anything between us," her inner self promised sincerely.

"Hmm," the pink-haired kunoichi understood this.

Later on, Tsunade and the Kages received the signals that Sakura and the leaf squad took an act of fighting against one of the Akatsuki members; the white Zetsu.

"What?! Those kids did what?!" Raikage A's eyes bewildered and yelled vehemently. "How is that a good thing?!" He banged his fist on the round table, causing a little quake with the other cups and books that were displayed.

"Maybe they want to go for the extreme measures, so it will not give us too much stress dealing with the Akatsuki," Mei guessed.

"They can't do anything. The enemy is too strong. I swear if they do anything absurd, they're going to face major consequences," Raikage A growled furiously.

"Calm down. Those kids are on their way back to their own division squads," Mei said gently.

The door suddenly opened, which alarmed the others in puzzlement as soon as Shizune informed urgently. "Lady Tsunade, it's not that they only fought the white Zetsu. But they've also encountered Kabuto and possibly Madara Uchiha."

Mei and Raikage A's eyes widened in astonishment, whereas Tsunade was closing her eyes to prevent herself from being enraged.

"What of it? By the way, I want to know who started this whole mess," the fifth Hokage said.

Shizune started to laugh out tensely and answered. "It's Sakura Haruno and Rock lee, ma'am."

The Hokage's face went a little red as the veins were popping out on the side of her temples, resulting herself in vexation.

"Oh... Young lady, you are in trouble," She banged her fist on the table in madness, whereas the others told her to calm down.

Indeed, the pink-haired kunoichi is in deep trouble.

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