Chapter 6: Words of the Kazekage

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Hey, guys. I know I haven't been back to writing and finish this chapter. But since I want to remind you that the GaaSaku is halfway close to the end of the story. I will be writing two more stories and it will take some time for me to complete each one of them.

Anyway, please read & review!

The next morning in the hidden sand village, the rest of the shinobi were gathered in every four different parts of the area, whereas the leaders were assigned to be responsible for each of their own teams. The ambush squad leader happens to be Kankuro since he is skilled in handling traps towards their enemies while the other leaders like Shizune, Inoichi, and Ao are considered to manage the others using their medical, intel, and sensor abilities. Yet, there are some people who are certainly not ready to fight in a war that they are just about to enter.

"Um... Who is our captain?" Tenten asked as she was standing beside her teammates in the first squad mid-range fighter division.

"That sleepy-loo guy over there," said Choji's dad.

"I'm... I'm kind of nervous though," Hinata said in concern.

"Hmph! This war is going to be a cinch!"

"Ugh, I can't believe my dad is a captain..."

On the other hand, Lee and Sakura contemplating whether they should proceed to their own plan or not. However, they cannot move until the ninja alliance commander has finished making his important announcement. The leaf ninja continued to stare at the middle of everyone who was lined up in every single line, then began to speak quietly beside her.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? Because if not, then it's okay to just go along with the plan that we are about to follow. I don't know how much we are going to risk our positions to fight the Akatsuki," He said thoughtfully in concern.

The pink-haired kunoichi blinked her eyes for a moment and said. "I am ready. But this is our only chance to protect everyone, to protect Naruto..."

"Sakura... We can't do this all alone, you know. That is why the rest of the shinobi are here. They're taking this opportunity just as we do, so let's give this to them," Lee pointed out as he glanced at her.

"I know... However, this time... It's my choice..." the pink-haired kunoichi muttered softly as her eyes became saddened at the thought of her loved ones.

Lee stared at her and couldn't help but feel sorry for what she has to go through. He understood this by saying. "Alright... If you don't want to back out, I'm not going to force you. But don't forget, our squad is here to help and fight."

"Agreed," Sakura nodded with a faltered smile and kept her head up formally.

Meanwhile, the others were waiting in the line as they decided to talk amongst themselves since they cannot interact with other groups of people who will mostly tell their leaders what they are up to.

"I'd better eat up now while I've got a chance. Otherwise, I'll be starving to death," Choji murmured to himself quietly as he was eagerly munching on potato chips he was currently holding.

"So your brother is our Squad leader, but also a commander-general. That's a huge role he's got out there. This task is a pain in the ass... Jeez," Shikamaru pointed out dully.

"You maybe like one, but you're the one in charge. So quit whining, will you?" Temari lectured beside him.

"Yo, if I make a name for myself in this war, I can become a Hokage!" Kiba said smirking arrogantly while he was rubbing under his nose.

"Dumbass, you think this war is easy, eh?!" Sai remarked in annoyance.

"We must not do anything to draw attention to ourselves. Remember... It's either we go with our plan or we don't. But we got to wait for their signal," Shino said sternly.

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