Chapter 10: Secrecy

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An hour has passed and the leaf squad has been traveling to find the hideout of the Akatsuki. They continue to hop onto different branches of the trees without stopping to take a break, for at least five to ten minutes.

"Uhh... uh..." Kiba snored while Akamaru was carrying him on the back.

Tenten and Hinata became puzzled, whereas Choji and Sai were looking at him weirdly.

"You know, it's late in the afternoon for us to be taking a nap at this moment," Ino snorted and giggled at the same time.

"Yeah. We barely encounter the enemies," Tenten said boredly.

"Are you asking for one?" Shino questioned quietly.

"No!" Tenten raised her voice out loud until the others told her to shush up.

Lee chuckled as he shook his head at them, then asked. "You found anything?"

"Not necessarily. But in this area, we are supposed to be fighting now... How strange," Neji stated in suspicion as his eyes returned back to his normal vision and gently massaged his temples back and forth.

"I see. Well, it doesn't matter. We're almost there anyway," Lee said positively.

Sai's eyes started to tear up and quickly wipes them away. "Wha...?"

"Hey, you okay?" Ino asked beside him.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Probably, my clone fought someone already," he answered and cleared his throat.

"Who?" She wondered curiously.

"My brother," Sai murmured emotionless without looking at her.

Ino gazed at him with a frown in which she figured out that they have gone through some difficulties in the past. After Sai was seeing his brother for the last time made him feel isolated and empty. After all, drawing the picture of him and his brother was something that he would cherish forever.

She didn't say anything or even try to interrogate him with more questions. She understood this as she patted him on the left shoulder with a smile on her face.

Sai glanced at her and noticed how beautiful her eyes are, then looked away in shyness.

Ino was confused at his expression, but decided to shrug off.

"Uhmm... guys... I have a terrible feeling about this," Hinata muttered in panic when she activated her Byakugan.

"What's wrong? Did you found their base yet?" Neji became alarmed.

"No, but I think they've already ha!!!" Hinata shrieked when a mysterious hand grabbed her ankle relentlessly and dragged her all the way down to the ground.

"Hinata!!" Neji and Lee called out in unison.

"What the hell?!" Kiba raised his head up quickly and his eyes started to widen in horror after seeing white multiple figures popping out of the trees.

"No way!!" Tenten yelled vehemently in disgust.

"These are..." Shino trailed off of his words.

"The white Zetsus," Sai stated firmly.

One of them extended their arms to reach out and snatch the bag out of Choji's hand hastily, much to his shock.

"Hey!! My potato chips!! Give it back here, you slimy goats!!" He burst out in rage with his fists clenched tightly.

"Watch out!" Shino cried out as he saw the white Zetsus flying down upon them with their hands and feet clawing.

"Ahhh!!" Ino screamed as she kicked a few of them behind her and ran as fast as she can.

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