Baskin Robbin Always Finds Out(Scott Lang X Male Reader)

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Third Person's POV

"LANG" the jail keeper called out. Scott happily and quickly jumped up and walked to the door to be let out.

"Who bailed me out" Scott asked thinking it was The Pyms or his ex wife.

"Uhhhh a (Y/n) (L/n)" he said reading the name on the file.

"Shit shit nononononono please don't let me go put me back in the cell" Scott begged as he stop walking. The officer looked at him like he grew to heads

"What do you mean put you back" he asked.

"You see (Y/n) is my boyfriend and it's gonna be a long loud one sided argument when we get home" he sighed.

"Weeeeellll when you put it like that good luck" he said with a smirk and continued to walk. Scott sighed and caught up to him. They stopped for the exit door to unlock with a loud buzz ringing through the speakers. As they made it to the lobby Scott looked to see you standing at the front desk signing some papers. (Y/n) looked up at him and he got scared because he knew that face to a normal person it was just a blank stare but to anyone that knew you it was a stare of hurt, anger, and Scott's least favorite disappointment.

"He's all yours Mr.(L/n)" the officer said

"Thank you"(Y/n) said ignoring Scott through the whole process. Once both of them were in the car (Y/n) drove them home. The drive was a long silent one filled with tension. When (Y/n) stopped at a red light Scott tried to lighten the mood.

"BOOP... I love you baby boy" he said as he tapped (Y/n)'s nose. (Y/n) grumble a low I love you too as the light turned green and he continued to drive. Once you made it home Scott hastily closed the door

"WHO USES THEIR ONE PHONE CALL TO CALL A TEN YEAR OLD" (Y/n) yelled at Scott as he walked into the kitchen. Scott jumped back not expecting you to yell that loud.

"did she te-"

"YES SHE TOLD ME, WHAT DID YOU GET ARRESTED ON PURPOSE" (Y/n) asked as he walked over towards Scott who backed up a bit.

"Scott what where you thinking, what if you get fired" He sighed. Scott went rigid and froze. You looked at him accusingly.

"Scott you still have your job right" he said even though Scott's reaction already gave him his answer. Scott gulps and started to sweat as you literally and figuratively had his back against the wall glaring up at him.

"Uh....uh.. baby boy let j-just calm do-down" he said nervously.

"Scott, tell me the the truth" (Y/n) said.

"alright alright I got fired"

"Scott" the guy sighed as he pinched his nose.

"I didn't put that I was a felon on there and they found out LIKE WHY WOULD BASKIN ROBBINS NEED TO KNOW THAT" he said with a laugh.

"Scott Baskin Robbins always finds out" (Y/n) said as he walked to the fridge to get dinner started.

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