So What (Thor X Male Reader) 1 Year Anniversary*

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A request by helastrid hope you like. I'm so sorry this took too long for me to do. AU where you are Captain Marvel and during Thor TDW the reality stone ends up on Torfa.
K/N= Kree name.

I did another recon around Torfa but nothing yet but I know they'll be here soon either the Dark Elves for the stone or the Kree since skrull are here now but I won't let happen.

"We're still good" I say as I land beside Talos.

"For now for now we're still good but they'll come eventually" he replies.

"And we'll be ready" I assure.

"How" he questions.

"I'll hold them off and you'll get the skrull and the stone and go" I say.

"Are you sure" he questions with concern.

"Yes" I say with a smirk as we watch them use a metal machine to pick up the stone and put it in case and put it on the ship.

Then a rumble comes and blue cloud opened to reveal a portal.

As it disappears a group of warriors stand in front of us.

The tallest blonde one with a hammer steps forward.

"We are here for the aether" he demands.

Me and Talos looked at eachother then back at them.

"No" I say calmly and unamused as the people behind him go into a fighting stance. He holds a hand up at them and the black haired one looks at me as his tilts his head.

"Your from Midgard" he questions.

"And you're a frost giant so what" I challenged and they all looked at me in shock.

"You're from Earth but you wear a Kree uniform" the blonde one infers.

"But not their colors" I add.

He nods and stops to think. Then looks at me with a kind smile.

"I am sorry perhaps we have started on the wrong footing I am Thor Odinson of Asgard my father the Allfather has sent here to retrieve the Aether so that the dark elves may not retrieve it" he explained.

"How do I know you're not lying I've heard the stories of Odins previous conquest of power and blood shed he already has the tesseract" I explain and they all look at me in confusion.

"Those stories must just be stories my father is a peaceful king" Thor assures.

"Yes of course people just give up their ways of life and home to a foreign leader peacefully" I say with blank face. Thor frowns a little as he thinks about my words then the sound of jump points make us all look up.

"They're here..... and the elves are with them" Talos announces.

"Get the rest of the skrulls in the ship and go" I command and he runs to the ship.

As the ship prepares to take off a kree ship lands. And Yon-Rogg comes out. He looked me up and down then smirks as our eyes meet.

"K/N" he purrs.

"My name is Y/N" I growled out.

"K/N the supreme intelligence wants to see you and those skrulls aren't going anywhere neither is that aether" he says then tells Ronan to go ahead over coms. Then bombs are heading for us. I fly up to stop them and make one go at Ronan's ship and land and front of Yon-Rogg.

"Aren't you forgetting we didn't come alone" he says with a smirk as the dark elves ships land around us. I look at Thor then at the ship full of skrulls.

"I'll give you the stone if you help me secure the safety of the skrulls" I say to Thor.

"By Odin beards you have my word" he promises and I look at Talos through the ships cockpit and nod at him and he nods back.

We fight the elves until they retreat and Yon-Rogg slipped away through all the commotion. As I walk out of the ship I hand them the case.

"I wouldn't touch it when we found it it was in its liquid form and I had to blast it to go to this form" I announce to them.

"Right thank you and good luck on your journey" Thor says with a smiles.

"Thank you and good luck on yours because they're not gonna stop until they have it or the convergence is over" I reply with a sad smile. And then we go our separate ways.

So this was posted so late but I've come to notice my stories get more attention if I post later in the night. Thank you for reading

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