Good Enough (Spider-Man/Peter Parker X Male Reader)

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A/n: Wassup fam so this is my first Peter Parker story hope you guys like it and it borrows from Steven Universe The Movie plot because I love Steven Universe so why not. I would suggest listening to Other Friends and Drift Away by Sarah Stiles from the movie while you read this chapter. And thanks for all the reads, votes, and support. Also a little something from my solo Thanos x Male Reader

You and Peter were best friends since a very young age. Your parents were friends and when his died you supported him and every way you could even though you were only children, when your parents abandoned you he and your uncle were there for you every step of the way no matter how much pushed them away because you figured if you weren't good enough for the people that created you, then you weren't good enough for anyone. But Peter made it his mission to prove you wrong he made you feel that you were good enough and that you deserved love. As we got older Peter and you were still friends but something felt off you didn't want to loosed his so you never said anything. He met Ned and the three of you started to hangout. There were times where you couldn't hangout because you had to train with your uncle. Once you got old enough your uncle told you about your real family history you came from a long lineage of super power kree human hybrids. When your power started to show your parents abandoned you because the trait didn't show up on your dad, but it did for you and your uncle but his were not as strong as yours. And eventually Peter stopped asking you to hangout altogether. But where the friendship died was the day of your birthday.

No matter what Peter never missed your birthday, you didn't have any other friends it was always just you, him, your uncle, and sometimes May.  You gave him an invitation a week ago and you called him at 12 pm he said he was on his way and asked could Ned come to and you happily said yes. You uncle made you birthday pancakes and gave you your presents that morning because he had to head out of town for work. He got you exactly what you wanted some new games and Star Wars Lego sets you didn't really like Star Wars but Peter and Ned did and you liked to build so you felt it would give you all the opportunity to bond. As you sat on the couch by the window waiting, you hurriedly jumped to the window look as you heard cars pass by only to sigh in disappointment and sit back down.

You groggily woke up with a crack in your neck as the morning sunlight hit your face. With a sigh you checked you phone no missed calls or text from Peter. Tears started to build in your eyes and a lump formed in your throat, you leaned on the wall for support and slowly slid down it and brought your knees to your chest you hugged yourself crying as your body shook. Not upset that you spent your birthday alone sleeping on a couch, but that Peter just tossed you aside like you were nothing and you started to question everything.  You were best friends so happy together or so you thought.  Did he ever care for you or was he just taking pity on you and got tired of doing that.  You stopped yourself and thought there must be a valid reason. Pulling out your phone you went on several social media sites and your heart completely broke they went to the move and had a "best friend's night out".  You threw your phone in frustration and sobbed until it hurt to breath. At some point you noticed your phone was ringing and it was your uncles ringtone you scooted and reach for it answering the phone.

"Hello is this Y/n" someone asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Could you please come to St. Joseph Hospital"

"Yes" I said getting scared.

"Please hurry" They said then hung up.

After paying the cab fare you run inside, stopping at the front desk.

"Hey some called from my uncle's phone and told me to come here" You said urgently.

"What is his name" the woman asked you.

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