Is This Your King Pt.2 (Killmonger X Male Reader) 20k+ Special*

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A/N: as promised since I posted pt.2 of x Thanos here is pt. Of x Killmonger nathanielcooler SkittlePop110 pota_girl

I laid there scared to move and also in too much pain. As the sunlight beamed through the window I sighed sadly. Slowly he stirred as he woke up. He kissed my neck lightly and I felt sick.

"Good morning princess" he said huskily. When I didn't reply he pressed himself against me and his grip on my waist tightened.

"I said good morning princess" he said with aggression.

"Morning" I said lowly. He rose up and groaned while he stretched.

"That's more like it we wouldn't want anymore punishments by the way last night was amazing" he said as he stood and walked around the bed to stand in front of me fully nude. He then laughed and walked to the bathroom. 30 minutes later he came out changed into clothes.

"I've gotta run an empire, liberate the world but you take a break today princess okay because after last night you deserve it" he said as he walked out of the room. Once I was sure he was far enough I used my beads to set a beacon. After awhile there was a knock on the door. I said a low come in and Okoye walked in.

"I thought you left" she asked.

"He found me and Ross I got him away but I couldn't he... he beat me last night and.. and..... h-he" I couldn't finish my sentence as I started to cry. She shushed me.

"Do you want to take a bath it may soothe your pain" she asked and nodded as she helped me up I groaned and wrapped the cover around my waist. She helped her me as I limped to the connected bathroom and ran the water.

After my bath and another cry we headed to the throne room. Everyone stood as he walked in. He gave me a smirk and a wink as he got closer to the throne. As he sat so did everyone else he looked at me and patted his lap with a sigh I slowly sat down. He sat up so his chin rested on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around waist.

"You know where I'm from when black folks started revolutions they never had the fire power or resources to fight their oppressors where was Wakanda hmm" he asked looking around. No one answer.

"All that ends today we've got spies embedded on every nation on earth already in place we know how colonizers think so we use their own strategies against them we're gonna send vibrainium weapon to our war dogs they'll arm oppressed people all over the world so they can finally rise up and kill those in power and their children and anyone else who takes their side ITS TIME THEY KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT US WE'ER WARRIORS the worlds gonna start over and this time WE'RE ON TOP the sun will never set on the Wakandan empire" he said and Okoye spoke up.

"Wakanda has survived for so long by fighting when only ABSOLUTELY necessary" she said and I slightly nodded.

"Wakanda survived in the past this way yes but the world is changing general it is getting smaller the outside world is catching up and soon it will be the conquerers and the conquered..... I'd rather be the former" he said and me and Okoye looked at each other.

"Your thirst for revenge clouds your judgem-" I started to say.

"Shhh shh princess this ain't yo concern" Killmonger said after bitting my neck. He then looked at Okoye.

"You heard your orders let's get to it" he said as he stood me up so he could stand.

I scrambled around Shuri's lab. There has to be something here to stop them.

"What are you doing" someone yelled at me. I turned around and froze in shock.

"Shuri" I yelled as I ran to her and hugged her. She hugged me back.

"What are you doing here" I asked she looked me in my eyes with a wide smile.

"The black panther lives" she said. And I couldn't believe it.

"Where is he" I asked.

"He's out there fighting" she said.

"We have to go help him" I stated. As we walked deeper in the lab. A platform rose revealing a guard uniform(the purple and gold one since your a guy lol) and some weapons. After explaining everything to Ross she walked over to me as I picked up the weapons.

"Put that on" she said as she pointed to the uniform.

"I'm not a guard" i said.

"Just put it on its amour" she said as she ran off. I sighed and grabbed it. And we headed out to change.

"Good luck agent Ross" she said.

"Iiii I don't kno-"

"We're all counting on you" I said as we left. After changing we powered on our weapons and walked outside. Shuri shot down two guards and we sneaked near one of the ships so she could put the device on it. As the ship flew off we did a fist bump. After seeing him throw the Doras to the field I lifted my weapon.

"WAKANDA FOREVER" I yelled as I ran towards him. He looked at me and smirked then pointed his weapon at me. As we ran towards eachother I shot energy from the blade and he jumped over me to run at Shuri. I turned and ran at him. I jumped and slice him he turned and we fought until he clawed my leg causing me to loose my balance then he threw me.

As I went into vibrainium mines to look for T'Challa I found him he looked up at me and gave me a smile with him was a stabbed Killmonger he helped him stand then walked I followed them we ended up at the opening under the panther spirit statue. As we stood there the sun started to set.

"It's beautiful" Killmonger said.  Me and T'Challa squared to look at his injury.

"We still maybe able to heal you" T'Challa said.

"Why do you can lock me up nah just burry me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships because they knew death was better then bondage" he said as he reached the weapon.

"WAIT" I yelled causing both of them to look at me in shock as I blocked him from grabbing the weapon.

"What princess" he said with a smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself I just though you should know if they jumped off the ships their not your ancestors" I growled out. And he face went from shock to pain as I pulled the weapon out of him.

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