Inseperable (Pietro X Male Reader)

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A/n: Sorry this short 😔

You and Pietro were inseparable. The only person closer to him was Wanda. You thought it was just a friendship type of feeling until the day came where he told you he would take part in an experiment. He said he could die so if he didn't come back he wanted you to know why. You cried and he held. That's when you knew he was more, more than someone you grew up with, more than your living diary, more than a friend. And you told him the truth, your truth. Prepared for him to look at you in disgust and call you names. You slowly looked up only to see a face of care and admiration. He told you from the day he met you he knew. He told you how he loved you, how he noticed the little thing you did like when you focus on something you bit your lip or stick your tongue out a little and bite it. He told you everything thing he felt for you. Then he asked could he show you how loved you. Even though you were nervous you said yes. He eased you mind knowing it was your first time. That night was indescribable. You felt so safe in his arms. The next morning you were woken to like kisses peppering your face. And later that week the day came. You cried and begged him to come you because you needed him.

Months later there was a knock at your door. When you asked who is it all you got was more knocking. Opening the door you cover you mouth in shock and tears start to pool in your eyes. You jump forward and hug him. After carrying you to the couch he sat down and explained everything but he hated to tell you he couldn't stay long. Before he left he gave you a kiss filled with love and desperation.

Weeks passed and now the city was under attack by this robot. This brought you back to the last time when the bombs happened. You where frozen in your house not knowing what to do. Then there was a quick knock on your door snapping you out of your daze. Scared but walking towards the door you open it. And their he stood he face showed relief and he hugged you whispering sweet phrases in your ear. He told you he came to get you to safety. He picked you up bridal style and told you to close your eyes. When you did you felt a rush and then it suddenly stopped. As you where placed on the ground he grabbed your shoulder as you dizzily tried to catch you footing. Opening your eyes you noticed a lot of carrier ship looking vehicles. Pietro kissed you then gave you a hug. And in a blink he was gone. After awhile they said the city was evacuated so the ships started to fly away to a bigger ship, but you couldn't find him. They found a safe place for the other Sokovians but you where escorted to America to this compound. Wanda stood there waiting for you with the avengers. You both hugged each other for a bit the let go

"Wanda what's going on where is Pietro" you asked and she got this look on her face and that let you know but you couldn't believe, you refused to believe.

"He... he is" she struggled to find the right words.

"No no Wanda he isn't he can't be he" you said as you breath quickened and tears started to form. She reached forward and you held each other sharing the pain of a great loss. The group watching both of you sorrowfully forgotten from your mind.

"He would not like see you like this" Wanda said after she calmed down.

"You either he would call us big crybabies" you said imagining it and then you both gave sad laughs. Unbeknownst to both you he and their parents were watching over above with loving smiles.

First I'd like to dedicate this chapter to princessparaiba because honestly without her this book would've not gotten this far so again thank you so much 😘
Secondly sorry for how late this update is.
Third THANK YOU TO EVERYONE READING AND SUPPORTING FOR 400+ and now 500+ reads I love you all 3000

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