Go (Steve X Male Reader)

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A/n: I'm not even gonna lie I cried a lot while writing but that could be because I'm dramatic and very emotional or that I was listening to a song from the Captain America:TFA score the song was 'We Did It' if you want to give it a listen.

After Thanos happened Steve decided to give me that me the wedding I always wanted. Over the past five years we had gotten a dog we didn't feel ready for kids yet. When Scott return I was happy that Steve was hopeful about something other than the support group. He had explained to you how time travel worked and they figured it out. Then the next morning he told me about what they were gonna do. As he walked out the door he gave me a deep kiss and told me he loved me. He came back home covered in debris and smelled like fire and blood. He explained everything from bringing everyone back to fighting a new Thanos and ultimately Tony's death. I went to see my family and friends, bringing Steve with me so he could meet everyone again. Once making it home I cooked dinner and we both sat and talked while eating. Steve seemed different. Once both of us were in bed I cuddled into his chest and he kissed my head and we both drifted off into sleep. For some reason I woke room still dark meaning I should probably go back to sleep when tried Steve's voice stopped me.

"Tony.... I'm sorry" he groggily said.

"Peggy" he said and my breath hitched "I'm sorry Peggy but I couldn't do that to Y/n" he continued. I know he loves me and what we have was special, but I also know I could never give him what Peggy did. I want to be selfish and ignore this but I know he would never truly be happy now that he has a chance to get what he lost. I don't want his love to turn into resentment because I stopped him from getting something he yearned for. No longer sleepy I slowly detached myself from him and got up. Looking at the clock the red digits read 5:52 am. With a sigh I got up and went to the bathroom. Turning on the shower so it could heat up, I looked in the mirror and with a sigh my tears started to run down my cheeks. I sniffled and cried trying not to get too loud or Steve would wake up. When I looked in the mirror again it was too fogged up I could only see my silhouette. After my shower I calmed myself and walked out. Steve sat up on the bed scratching Spangles ears. He looked up and smiled at me .

"Good morning" he said to me as I walked closer to the bed gaining Spangles attention.

"Morning, I'm gonna make breakfast" I said with a small smile. If these were gonna be my last days with Steve I wanted to see nothing but smiles on his face. As I got my ingredients together he entered the kitchen with Spangles on a leash.

"I'm gonna take him for a walk" he explained to me and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Okay have fun" I said as I watched them walk out. Once the front door closed I sighed because he really wasn't going for a walk to talk to himself to figure out what he's gonna do. After awhile they came back. As footsteps approached I finished putting the food on the table.

"Are.. are those chocolate chip pancakes" he said as he loudly sniffed the air. I laughed.

"With vanilla glaze" I said happily. Arms wrapped around me and a kiss was placed on my cheek.

"What did I do" he asked still looking at the table in disbelief. I just smiled and nudged him towards his seat. As we sat down he told me about the sights he seen along his walk. After awhile we got ready for the funeral. Returning home from the funeral I went to change clothes Steve went give Spangles some exercise. After awhile I just sat on the bed trying to get my thoughts together. Spangles ran in the room asking for affection I complied. After he was done he ran somewhere else in the house I headed out the room looking for Steve. I found him in the kitchen drawing something intensely. So intense he had yet to notice you standing there. I leaned on the door frame and crossed my arms over my chest and sighed softly.

"Steve" I said softly. He stop drawing and turned his attention to me. He gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Yes dear" he asked. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"You know Steve if..... if you don't come back tomorrow" I paused closing my eyes and trying to calm myself down "that it's okay" I said and opened them to look at him. He looked at me with shocked and sadness.

"What are you talking about Y/n" he asked slowly putting his pencil down and turning his body in the chair towards me.

"Steve when something is troubling you,you talk in you sleep about it, you apologized to Peggy and then said that you couldn't do that to me I don't know what that is but I have an idea" I said. He looked down in guilt.

"Steve it's okay if you go back to her" I quickly blinked away tears if he seen me cry he would feel worse "she had you first, I know you love me and I love you and I want you to be happy I know she'll make you happier then I could" I finish breathing lowly. Gotta keep myself together. Steve looked at you.

"You make me happy and I love you this is where I'm meant to be" said standing up and walking closer to you.

"You've given so much and asked for nothing in return Steve please let me give you this" I said as my voice cracked and my vision blurred. He was right in front of me grabbed my cheek and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"I can't do that to you" he said gazing into my eyes.

"And I can't do this to you" I said looking back at him tears building in his eyes as my flowed freely.

"You have a chance to take back what what was taken from you please Steve if not for yourself, do it for me I'll feel better knowing you got that..... that d-da-ce" I said as my body started to shake and the the ability to speak became harder.

"Y/n" he sighed softly as he hugged me and rubbed my back. I sobbed and cried for who knows how long. Once they were reduced to sniffles, I tried to compose myself.

"I'm sorry" I said as I looked at him. His eyes showed many things but the main one guilt. He felt guilty that he actually wanted to go back.

"Is that what you really want" he asked me. I swallowed hardly.

"I want what you want and I know she is what you want" I said letting out a deep breath.

"Steve pleeeaaasssssee it will make me happy" I said giving a sad smile. He sighed and nodded slowly. He kissed me slowly and with passion. He pulled way put rested his forehead against mine.

"Thank you" He said lowly.

Today was the day.  Steve had talked to me before going to talk to Bucky. After a while they both came to the car Bucky look at me with a knowing glance, he eyes lightly reddened, for minute then gave sad understanding smile that I returned. After the drive we arrived to where Bruce and Sam where Bruce explained everything to Steve.  Steve walked over to where me and Bucky stood. He looked at Bucky.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back" he said with a smile.

"How can I your taking all the stupid with you" Bucky said softly and hugged Steve.

"I'm gonna miss you buddy"After they let go Bucky said.

"It's gonna be okay Buck" Steve said then turned his attention to me. He walked to me and cupped my face placing a kiss on my lips.

"I love you Y/n" he said and I sighed I promised myself I wouldn't cry.

"I love you too Steve" I said and kissed him again he let go of my face and gave a tight hug which I returned. I didn't want to let go but I had to. He walked over to the platform picking up the case and the hammer. As he tapped his suit a new formed around him.  He turned and looked at me he eyes held so many emotions thankfulness, sorrow, happiness and guilt. I mouthed a bye Steve and he gave me a sad smile before the helmet formed around his head. Hulk did the count down and then he disappeared. He did another count down but he didn't reappear but you knew he wasn't going to. As you sighed softly you turned to look at the lake and noticed a figure sitting on a bench. I tapped Bucky knowing exactly who was sitting there. Bucky turned to look and then called Sam. Sam came and stood by us and looked. We walked a little closer and stopped.

"Go head Sam he's waiting on you" I said softly. My breath hitched when he turned to talk to Sam. Bucky put a hand on my back patting it. Through out their conversation Steve pulled out a shield. Sam turned to look at Bucky who nodded to him and picked the shield up.

Hope you enjoyed it thanks for reading 😊

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